E.R. For Congress Arizona - Were I stand on the issues.

Day 667, 23:01 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick
Q5 Defense and Hospitals for California and eventually Texas
California and on a lesser extent Texas are primary targets for attack due to their strategic resources. By providing Q5 defenses our enemies will have to pay more financially to capture it, and it'll give us an advantage during invasion. Some will argue Q5 defense pads are too expensive, that our funds should be diverted elsewhere especially now during this war. I however disagree. Q5 pads have to be manufactured, jobs are created, salaries are earned, taxes are taken. And with the costs our enemies are forced to pay, as mentioned before, really do pay for themselves if placed strategically.

California should have been a fortress instead of New Jersey as New Jersey holds no significance in resources. I would even be in favor of making California and/or even Texas (when we get it back) as our primary fortress replacing Florida in the future.

When we lost a significant number of states + our high valued regions, our economy plummeted. Inflation took the market for a ride and we barely held on to fight the enemy. If our population had been placed on a more strategic state like California over Florida or New Jersey we might have been in a better position. The enemy did not dare attack Florida for a reason. Our deep population makes this state impenetrable, now if we had resources on top of this state we would have had a better situation. Luckily we held on, but next time may be different.

The current Congress somewhat agrees on this issue with California

More Military and Org Funding
Better organization and fund allocation
This is pretty self evident, the military needs more funding. There are RW orgs that need funding. We're getting better at it but there is always room for further improvement. Then there are some unnecessary rules (like the military kicking out officers for free speech violations) and programs that hinder our capabilities.

Example of wasteful spending:

American Red Cross

Meals and Wheels

Ways to gather more funds?
I'm in favor of taxing the use of the courts (including those done in the name of lulz) in the forums as high as perhaps .1 gold per day in order to cut down on frivolous lawsuits (see the list of Ajay Bruno cases). Id also like to see congressmen donate gold to a chosen charity for every proposal made in Congress.

Dialog with PEACE slave members.
How many puppet PEACE nations can you name from the top of your head?
Hint: If they don't end with donesia and gary, they are probably puppets. Do they like being used? Of course not, we should be in close contact with these nations at all times. Even if they have active wars against us. In the IRL world we had embassies with not only the Soviet Union but also the other Warsaw Pact nations. The same should be done in eRepublik. We should also pay close attention to Latin America as anti eAmericanism is still on a rise...

Should they ever wish to become neutral and renounce PEACE we should support them
If they are attacked or forced to be pawns in a scheme that is not in its best interest (see Japan) then they need to know who is willing to fight for their freedom. It may look like a waste of time in the short term period, but it can have game changing events long term

More anti PEACE propaganda
A long time ago, when Russia was liberated from Romania by Indonesia and Hungary. They made a promise to return all Russian regions once Russia's population reached a certain threshold of 3,000 citizens. How many citizens does Russia have now? Who still controls Siberia?

These kinds of facts should be pointed out on a daily basis. If we're ever going to drive a wedge inside PEACE we need more active PR rings in foreign countries. We need our version of Zoli.

Taxes are at a all time high but with our current situation are necessary. We're still on emergency crisis mode since the invasion. We still have occupied territory, and we're still fighting for our lives. But the very moment victory is ours we need to give the tax payers a break. I will be one of the first to propose a drop in taxes in all sectors when the time is right. but until then we need to continue to bite the bullet.

Military Strategy and Goals
1) Liberate all American states
2) Liberate all Canadian provinces
3) Invade Russia's far eastern region
4) Liberate North Korea
5) Liberate South Korea
6) Liberate all Chinese regions
7) Remove Indonesia from Siberia
😎 Liberate India
9) Liberate Pakistan
10) Bring true peace to the world, by destroying PEACE

Some of these goals may not seem realistic now, and perhaps all these goals may never be attained. Yet until PEACE capitulates and ends its Imperialism we cannot rest until their defeat is absolute. Thus these goals must not be denied.

Endorsed by the Conservative Party and the United Independents Party
Ethics Secretary of the CvP