Dutch Marley the USMJ/RLC and you.

Day 1,667, 05:52 Published in USA USA by Dutch Marley

Hello all,

Today I am forced to write an article to defend myself against a variety of serious accusations. The accusations have been pretty bad these last few days and the cyber-bullying had gotten to a point of where I contemplated deleting my account. I have been called a f-ing idiot, a multi, a pto'er, and a threat to the country. I almost did quit last night but thought about how Jude Connors had left this party and game because of the same things. And I would be doing him a disservice to not run the USMJ/RLC.

First I would like to ask for some civility when talking to me or sending a message. Last time I checked I had not kicked your dog, scuffed your new kicks, or ruined your collector series of Game of Thrones. So I do not think messages swearing at me and calling names are appropriate.

Second, anyone who falls to the level of calling me a multi has either not done research or is once again trying to bully. I have been in Congress the last three terms consecutively and 4 out of the last 5. Pfeifer, Israel Stevens, Gnilraps, Oblige, TheDillPickl, Inwegen, and most anyone else can attest that I am not. Many of the previously mentioned people are not party members and I do not even know if they consider me a friend. But I know that at least they have the inner quality to not lie. So go ask them.

Third, I am not a threat to the country. When I came back to the states after a long absence many of the older players knew I had sins to atone for. So I worked hard. I worked my way through the eUnited States Armed Forces. I was even a PCO before leaving. I then joined EZC and have done my best to be a good member. Gnilraps was under pressure to kick me out but he gave me chance. And I feel I have done right by him to that regard. I also put my time in working for Jude Connors. I put my time in Congress. During my 4 terms I have worked on many issues including ies, taxes, expanding the military budget, and even censuring of Oblige. I have always been for more stringent rules in ies. In order to prove myself I have not been using any of my Citizenship applications. Many people have asked and I have always denied them. I have felt bad to not help out friends but in order to prove I was here to help the eUS I bit the bullet. I have fully supported expanding our military budget while calling for more transparency. The last issue and the one I feel is a underlying movement to try and blackball me was my vote not to censure Oblige. The USMJ congress members switched their votes to stop the censure of Oblige because he did not deserve it. Politics were being played and Oblige had given financially to the country and worked on its behalf. I will not apologize for not censuring him and do not feel the PTO of the USMJ/RLC is appropriate because of it.

Lastly I want to talk about the USMJ/RLC. It has been a hot topic of conversation the last few days. I have done my rounds talking to the higher levels of government to see where they stand. I hope in the end they do not sanction an ato/pto. Israel Stevens, our Potus, as one of his campaign pledges setup a Q/A on the forums. He recently spoke about how Party Politics should be left to the parties. Internal elections should not be subject to ATO/PTO.

A third down the page are his thoughts.

I had asked Chickensguys to pass the torch to me last month. He told me at the time that he wanted to run the party a final term and would then step down. I had then started to plan my run for PP. I was conflicted on whether or not to run but about two weeks ago I had decided that as a member of the party from its outset I should take over and help lead the party. Jude Connors had trusted me and gave me a chance and now it was time to return the favor.

So now on to the topic of the day. What about the name change, what about all the new members, this party is merging and is a threat to the country. I guarantee under my leadership this country is no more of a threat to the country than any of the other top 5 parties. I heard Dennis McVicker say last night that he wants to be PP because he wants to do what is best for the top 5. That is not the purpose of a party. It is to do what is best of the eUS first and the party second. He should be looking to help the country and THIS party. That is what I will be doing.

I have made an offer to the higher levels of government ensuring that if I do anything wrong while leading this party my account will be deleted. I will leave the game. I have been under this account for three years. And I am willing to offer it to prove I am real about these following promises.

At no time under my leadership will Phut be put on a congressional or Potus ballot. At no time will this party put up anyone for congressional or Potus election that is considered a threat to the eUS. I will run a ballot that is okayed through the FEC. I plan to run this party like any other Top 5. And do my best to ensure there are candidates running who are only looking to help the country. As the other parties can attest sometimes people still sneak on (check each parties history and you will find one over the last 3 months). But I will work twice as hard to ensure that does not happen to the eUS. But at the same point anyone who wants to join the party and help this country is welcome. Jude Connors gave me my shot at redemption and I am going to offer the same. Prove yourself to this country. Put in a few months of work and then we can talk. But this first Congressional ballot I will only put on people who have been working for months to prove their commitment.

I am asking the other parties to please let the USMJ/RLC decide their own fate. I am the party candidate. No one else on the ballot is representing the party. I would never condone anyone taking over another party. I ask members of other parties to think about this. How would BOL feel if the government supported taking it over? If because BOL grew and threatened the Top 5. Or what if all the Gnilraps haters out there decided they should get back at the Feds and try to PTO them. It is inappropriate and should not happen. Also some fear that I am being duped. That someone is going to secretly run to PTO the USMJ/RLC. If that happens support me and it will not. And if I cannot win I will happily leave the party so I cannot receive votes and help coordinate votes to stop a pto.

I also know the name change has put a lot of people on edge. I promise to reopen the name change issue. The party will have its say. I have a number of PM's that went out before I announced my running asking for people to join my leadership team. Many of these people are well known members from other parties. I want to make this party about fairness and unity. The naming of it will be the first step. Hopefully you let me make that first step on behalf of the party and many more steps after.

I owe Jude Connors a personal debt. I want to repay that debt. He trusted me and now I am asking you to trust me. Give me this one chance to prove myself. If I fail I will leave and never come back. Now I ask for your support for Party President of USMJ. If you care about parties being left alone I ask for your vote. If you care about equality I ask for your vote. If you ever cared about Jude or the USMJ I ask for your vote.

Thank you.

Dutch Marley
4 Term Congress Member
USMJ Original
Generally Handsome Person