DS: PP Elections, WHPR, Life, and much more!

Day 1,333, 11:34 Published in USA Japan by Tendou

PP Elections are today, and I expect each and every one of you to go out and click that button. It is your admin-given right to vote today, make sure that you exercise it(before it's taken away.) The 15th is one of my favorite e-days, because I get 1 experience and I get to choose whether you win or lose an election, America. I HAVE ALL THE POWER. HA HA HA! If you are a candidate, good luck!

The importance of the "every vote counts" mantra is seen especially in this game and in all levels of elections. From the presidential (15 votes? really?) down to party elections. In which the winner is around 4-6 votes higher than everyone else. SO MAKE TODAY SPECIAL, go out and show some damn support.

The White House Press Release newspaper has continued it's awesome, awesome-ness (thanks to yours truly LOL.) I kid, America. It is thanks to the amazing Department of Media, lead by Gnilraps. Also, Glove! I saw that article and I C WUT U DID THAR. HA HA! Classic Glove. If you don't know yet, really cool shite happens in WHPR articles on a regular basis. Don't believe me?


If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm in love with Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.

LIFE! Okay, guys. So I've been dabbling in the dark arts. I've actually left my room and been outside for a majority of the day for the past 4-5 days. It's not even that hard! I don't know why it's forbidden. Don't tell on me. I've been out and about enjoying all that europe has to offer. There are some fine, fine wimminz here. And I don't mean, occasionally; no! I mean 1 out of every 2 wimminz!

REGARDLESS, THIS IS NO EXCUSE. I throw myself to the mercy of the court(I'll sue you bastards for harassment.)


Okay, maybe later. I'll go get my +1 leather tunic and some mini donuts. Oh, that's right, you don't like the powdered ones. OK, I'll get the jelly ones. Yeah, jelly is good.

America, I have begun a journey with a friend of mine. A journey that will probably end up with both of us getting fancy points. The admins will realize that we are perhaps the most high-brow champions in this game(Champions of Bread and Butter) and will try vigorously to shrink or e-bones. Well, Androo. I just won't let that happen. My bone will not back down from this challenge. We must enter this like we would any other task: heads held high and good posture(Slouching is for slobs.)

Enough innuendos. ANYWAYS, here are some articles I thought were fancy (Also, some boobs):

Welcome to the New Worl😛 An Updated "How to" for Military Dominance by Androo Constantine with a smattering of Tendou.

WHPR Day 1322 By DoM

Adopt a Newb Program Background and Proposal by Sorcus

My Encounter With Pangloss by Gnilraps (If you don't get this to 100, I will be sad!)

The Average Erepublikian - Part 1 Appearance by Chutley


- Tendou