Dreadnuts the Mighty for Congress

Day 820, 00:28 Published in South Africa Sweden by Rusty Kuntz

Hi eSA. After a long string of months outside of politics, I’ve decided to throw my hat into the ring for a congress seat this month as a member of the African Dignity Front, under the banner of the good folks of the Independent Alternative. You might not know who I even am, so here’s a brief history of me.

Former Lt. General of the eUS Airborne Division, eUS Marine, and eMichigan congressman. During my term, I was one of but 12 congress members who said ‘no’ to peace with PEACE. I don’t ever believe in giving up, especially to those who would seek to do us harm. I’m also a current member of the Dignity Brigade. All around decent guy, destroyer of channers, rocker of worlds.

I’ve been around eRepublik for a year now, and have quite a bit of understanding of the game and the people that play it. I’m a no-nonsense, hard-nosed workhorse. If elected, I can’t promise that the nation will have all its’ original regions returned during my term, but I’m always working toward that goal and will make sure that eSA is in a better position to do so whether elected or not.

I started out in the eUS as it is my RL home, but I came to eSouth Africa because it is where my heart is. While in the eUS military, I met refugees from eSA. I became fast friends with many of them, and once the eUS was secured, I had a new personal mission. I would return the favor to those who had fought so bravely for my country, asking nothing in return. It’s been my goal ever since to see eSA with all of her original regions.

As a congress member, it will be my mission to serve this nation to the best of all my abilities. I will use my wisdom, experience and drive to further the country’s interests and use my votes to enact some more progress around here.

So in closing, vote hard, vote smart, vote DTM in Eastern Cape!