Down to business again

Day 759, 20:51 Published in Thailand USA by Vincent Garibaldi

We've recently lost 2 valuable members of our little community. Antimo and Darkforge have both left. I wish them luck, and hope they'll come back.

That said, I can't say that events in Thailand now and before haven't made me consider doing the same, I am however an addict. (Admitting you have a problem is the 1st step of course, but frankly F*** those next 11)

Election Preparation:
Well, we face a serious PTO attempt this election. I mean, more serious than normal. I will have more instructions for congressmen soon. Please help me with them when the time comes to protect our country, or at least not hand over more of it than we must. 24-48 hours before the elections, I will need 2-3 proposals. So congressmen, please keep that in mind. I will explain more later, or you can PM me, or find me on irc.

Now then, first of all, all people who wish to run for congress should PM Travis Byrd. This includes both PUP and Jedi, and whoever the hell else too.

Also, could someone accept Gates Shellinger?

Also, all others who wish to receive citizenship should PM Albert Neurath.

Alright, seriously. Tax debates are officially over. The OFFICIAL tax plan now can be found here:
The tax plan is
Income: 5%
Import Tax: 10%
VAT: 1%
for all finished good companies. Congressmen can start proposing these whenever they like. Please vote yes to any proposal matching these rates.

Government training company: There are Raw material companies recruiting skill 0 citizens. This is bad for the economy.
This is a two part debate.
1. Should we have a government training company?
2. What should it be?
I personally favor a weapons company, but if you think differently, please comment, publish an article, write me a PM, or post on the forum.

Also, sign up for the military. For ML's sake...
There is a war in Australia (our ally) if you haven't noticed. Sign up and you will go fight, on our dime. (Don't get me wrong, I love the Brozilians as well, but we owe Australia)

In closing, please pray to Michael Lewis in this time of peril. He is the Messiah, and as he said, "I"LL REPORT YOU!!!!", and so he did so often to our enemies. (PRAISE ML! HEIL LEWIS!)

Always remember what we're fighting for.