DonMogul's Blasts From the Past [Part Three - The NPF Saga]

Day 1,559, 19:32 Published in India India by DonMogul

In Part One of this series of articles I outlined my beginnings in eRepublik you can find the article here:

In Part Two I described the beginnings of Serbia which I was heavily involved with. I also went into some detail on how I helped Serbia to be wiped off the map for the first time. The article is here:

Now onto Part Three!

Part Three of this series will focus on my one month term as head of our National Police Force and why I was dismissed at the end of that month. I hope to finally lay this ghost to rest and answer the misinformation that was being spread about me at the time.

Following Shail.back's victory in the Indian Presidential elections I was given my first serious job in the Indian Government. I was to be head of the National Police Force.

My public task was twofol😛

1. To uphold eRepublik laws in India.
2. Ensure fair competition in the Indian marketplace.

On appointment to this position I straight away had a chat with shail to outline my plans for the NPF... which I had to change straight away.

My plans were based on the two public tasks mentioned above. But it was the secret tasks that caused me to re-think what I had to do.

At the time we were under threat of an Iranian based PTO group called Mafia. This group was not officially supported by the Iranian government but in most cases they weren't doing much to stop them either. My first secret task was to find someone who spoke the language and infiltrate them into Mafia and Iran to ascertain two things:

1. Whether the public disavowing of any knowledge of Mafia activities by the Iranian government had any basis in fact.

2. Names and number of Mafia members so that we knew how many votes we needed to beat the Mafia boys back when they tried their PTOs.

Finding someone who spoke Farsi was very difficult but I did manage to track one guy down in the end. But it seemed that all that effort was pointless. I bumped into a spy from India's own government who was reporting everything my contact was seeing to the government anyway.

This was a repeating cycle during my term. I was given a task. I'd go ahead and complete the task only to find someone else from the government was there doing the exact same thing reporting the exact same things.

My second secret task was to find an intelligent person and train them so that they could safely enter into certain enemy nation's Congress. Now this was highly sensitive!

When shail gave me this task in our conversation I told him that I would have to keep the NPF very much closed and as separate from the government as possible. I told him I would set up the NPF so that only I would know who all the people were. The point of doing things this way was that if our Congress Spy was caught the Indian government could legitimately deny all knowledge of their activities. This met with shail's full approval.

With those orders given I set to work. I found 3 agents and registered them on a separate NPF forum as Agent 001, 002, 003. I knew who they were but no one else did.

First we decided to do a few sweeps of multi accounts in India which resulted in this article:

And once the promised sweep was done a week later this was publishe😛

Focus on those last few paragraphs. This is where things get interesting!

Following my first article banning a number of people for multis, shail contacted me. He was not a happy bunny!

Shail told me off for having our citzens banned. His point of view was 'as long as they are not causing us harm and making GOLD for India... why ban them?'

I then reminded him of my first public task - to be an eRepublik law enforcement agency. In short, I reminded him I was doing my job the way he ordered me to do it.

He went offline before I could say, "We aren't just focusing on India!"

This was very true! In that month whenever you had someone from PEACE (today's equivalent of ONE) writing an article stating "UNBAN (strong tank)!!!" The National Police Force of India had a vital role in bringing them to justice.

Take this article:

Look at the amount of people we had banned from India. Then quadruple that amount for all the work we did in rooting out cheaters from enemy nations!

Following the above article Shail contacted me again demanding the names of my agents.

I refused.

He reminded me he was CP and 'had a right to know'.

I refused.

I reminded him of my secret tasks. I then stated that if I gave him the list of agents because he was CP I would have to give the list to any subsequent CPs. The more people that knew who all the people were would reduce the security of the NPF that much more. Besides that, the Indian government would NOT be able to deny any knowledge of NPF activities should an agent be exposed.

I was NOT saying shail himself was a security risk. What I was saying was that the more people knew, the less secure the NPF would be. We could not afford that.

I stuck to my guns for the remainder of my term. My inbox was being flooded from Indian citizens praising me for my work in the NPF I started training a very smart agent to infiltrate an enemy Congress.

Then the Presidential elections came round and once again shail won. I applauded him for his victory then carried on with my work.

One of my agents contacted me a day later and says, "Hey! Are you still part of the NPF or what?" At the end of the message was an article link.

That article was an acceptance speech from Ugo Raffaele... a speech of acceptance of the post of CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL POLICE FORCE.

My jaw dropped.

I was doing my job.

I was doing it well.

I was sacked...

Then misinformation started being spread about me. 'DonMogul lied! DonMogul was inactive! DonMogul said I was a security risk!'

1. I never lied to shail about my work.

2. While I didn't post too often in the Indian forum that month, I was super active on the NPF forum organising things.

3. No shail. You personally weren't a security risk. The security risk was letting more and more people know who the NPF agents were.

I was outraged. I was doing my job. I did it brilliantly. I had support from many Indian citizens for the work I was doing...

But I kept my mouth shut.

I let everyone keep saying things about me.

For one very good reason.

The information on NPF activities was far too sensitive. India was far too weak to defend herself from what would have been an inevitable PEACE invasion.

I took slights to my, what the ancient Romans would call, my dignitas. All to keep my adopted nation safe from harm.

Thus ends Part Three. If you have any questions please ask them and I will answer! Part Four will concentrate on my life Australia!

Also the Indian WWE will be returning very soon! A highlights video to be uploaded soon will remind you all of the various storylines we had going at the time!