DonMogul's Blasts From the Past [Part Two]

Day 1,542, 22:45 Published in India India by DonMogul
The second part of this series will focus on the beginnings of Serbia. The lies and the betrayal of trust and their very origins in eRepublik.

The Serbian Saga Begins...

Austria was a small nation constantly fighting against PTO attempts from many nations. They were usually successful in beating such attempts back but only by the skin of their teeth.

Then the Minister of the Interior in Austria, Hrvat (now a dead citizen awaiting his account to be deleted) received a message from a contact he had in Greece warning him that the Serbian population based there were planning a takeover attempt in Austria.*

Straight away Hrvat contacted his collegaues in the Austrian cabinet and the decision was reached to welcome the Serbs into the nation and support them. This was seen as a temporary solution to increase Austria's population thus giving them more muscle to prevent those PTO attempts. In October of 2008, the Serbians began arriving in Austria and most settled in Upper Austria.

The partnership between Austria and Serbia grew and they were working together as a team. Austria's population was growing... but all the increase were Serbs. Not Austrians. They became such a power in Austria they formed their own party from an inactive Austrian one.

*Serbia didn't exist in the New World yet.

5th January 2009 CP elections

The time had finally arrived for a Serbian country president. Austria was fairly confident with her new found Serbian friends so the election was more or less unopposed.

Azoo Lazzo (now banned for exploiting bugs - in this case the printing of GOLD) became the first Serbian country president in eRepublik.

During the beginning of his term Azoo continued Austria as it was developing. It was becoming a very efficient little power in Europe. Then, one day, Hrvat received a message from the Director of the Austrian National Bank in a panic.

15900 ATS and 215 GOLD were missing (all in all 300+ GOLD value disappeared) from the treasury. The question was... where did the money go?

Hrvat went straight to work and traced the funds to a Serbian citizen by the name of Matija who donated the full amount to Nikola018.

The Plot Thickens...

The Austrian economy was ruined overnight by Serbian treachery. There was very little GOLD left in the nation.

Then the Serbian leader Azoo Lazoo posted an article which was translated by Hrvat. The translation can be found here:

Until this point Azoo had kept himself clean of this saga. But this article was a clear endorsement of the actions taken by his two lieutenants.

Enter DonMogul

I had a number of friends in Austria who kept me appraised of the goings on in their country. When I heard what was happening I was outraged. I flew into immediate action asking for help from my UK brothers and even posted in the Government disccussion section of the UK forums asking for their votes in order to prevent another Serbian PP and Serbian dominated congress. There was ample support provided from many individuals but then the power brokers in UK politics turned up in the discussion and said NO!

That put paid to any help UK might have given. At this point I sent a CODE RED WHITE RED to my spy group (all it meant was go to Austria and await further orders). Over the next week the Austrian population grew by 50 people. My agents stood ready.

Congress elections came and despite Austria's best efforts and the efforts of my group the overwhelming Serbian population still managed to achieve a sizable portion of Congress (nowhere near domination they used to have though!)

They resigned their positions within a few days though. I then received a message from an Austrian leader QJ Lincoln asking me to provide help to Austria in the coming CP elections to ensure the Serbians didn't get up again.

This turned out to be unnecessary as the Serbians were preparing for the birth of their own nation on the February 5.

It's Not Over Yet!

I was royally annoyed with Serbia still. I issued a CODE ORANGE SERBIA. I knew Croatia was going to PTO Serbia as soon as it was born. I wanted to be there to be certain it happened. I sent my agents there and there they awaited orders. A couple contacts I had in Croatia managed to obtain a list of the Croatian candidates in the Serbian elections. With our help (though Croatia never knew) Croatia held a majority in Congress (paving the way for a Croat CP and Croatia to send the GOLD and money given to new nations to their own ORGs and citizens).

Once the Croat CP was installed and the 'new country protection' (preventing war being declared on Serbia until then) expired and the Croatia - Serbia war began on April 1 2009.

As Croatia attacked, the Croat CP would retreat from the battlefield handing automatic victory to Croatian forces. The war ended on April 11 2009 following the final Serbian region being conquered by Bulgaria in their own war against Serbia.

Mission accomplished. I had exacted my own revenge on Serbia.

The End of Part Two

For Part Three I will finally get the NPF Saga off my chest. Whenever I log into eRepublik the memory comes back sharp as a knife. With this article I can finally lay this old ghost to rest, kill off the misinformation that was spread about me at the time and move on with my eLife.