Don't Look Back In Anger

Day 1,128, 09:47 Published in Japan Japan by KITA Ikki

I. Current War Situation

II. The Iron Must Flow

III. Don't Look Back In Anger

Fighting is not over yet

I. Current Situation

It took four peace proposals and Admin intervention to correct game bug before the war with eSouth Korea could finally be closed, but I stuck with it, and it got done.

The proposals were:
1. Peace proposed by eSK President Clopoyaur.
2. This same proposal then went to eJapan congress for their approval, BUT DID NOT give the normal alert to the congressmen, so as you can see, the vote count is much much lower.
3. Peace proposed by me.
4. This same proposal then went to eSK congress for their approval, BUT DID NOT give an alert to the congressmen, so as you can see, the vote count is much lower.

Admin also closed this battle in Kinki region once the war was successfully closed, keeping it safely in eJapanese hands.

The eUSA is currently attacking eJapanese regions NOT as part of a war, but as part of a region swap agreed upon by the Imperial Diet in a 14-3 vote. The eUSA will take AND RETURN Kyushu, Chugoku, and Kinki regions on their way to Chubu region. We are currently working out the timetable with the eUSA in order to minimize disruption to congressional elections. In fact, the temporary fewer regions may help us in keeping out rogue candidates as the number of wildcard congress seats will be reduced.

The Iron Must Flow Again

II. The Iron Must Flow

For those of you who remember the old Iron Must Flow program, you may remember how it provided cheap iron to the eJapanese iron market at a time when iron could not be produced in eJapan at all and companies were selling elsewhere in the New World on more profitable markets. Iron prices in eJapan are rising again at the moment, and to combat this, I call upon a new group of volunteers to support this program and its highly productive mines. Although volunteers receive minimal salary, they receive priority weapons and food donations from the military for participation in key battles. If you are interested in participating in this program, please send a message to the Japanese Imperial Army organzation.

An eNorth Korean and others leave eJapan

III. Don't Look Back In Anger

While the eJapanese military has recently seen some new faces as well as old soldiers return, eJapan has also had some notable departures! Former eJapan country president candidate and eIndonesian PTOer Calon Rakyat Jelata left eJapan and regained eIndonesian citizenship before apparently becoming "trapped in New Zealand" (see his shouts). One of his biggest supporters in the previous election, former member of congress TheReverendSeanV fled to eNorth Korea and took eNorth Korean citizenship hours later, also making a bizaare pronouncement about "Germans and Hanukkah" in his shoutbox.


Citizens of ejapan, stay alert and be prepared to move regions in order to participate in the congressional elections. Other than Chubu, all regions will eventually be returned to eJapan by the eUSA. Thank you for your support, and please join the channel to witness debates and the National Forums at:

to participate in the discussions. Don't forget to vote on December 25th!

Country President, eJapan