Dokomo Survives Impeachment; US Poised to Enter Asia

Day 752, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson

In the midst of all of the complaints against this poor decision by the admins, I figured I'd try send out some actual news for people, following along with my previous two articles.

Japanese President Survives Impeachment; US Ready to Liberate Asia
Three days ago, the President of Japan issued an ultimatum to the Phoenix Alliance: restore all regions, except Heilongjiang (HelloKitty), to China or else he will retreat Kyushu to the United States and allow EDEN and the Allied forces a pathway to Asia in order to liberate them from the oppression of Phoenix.

The word is now that the presidents of Hungary, Indonesia, and Iran have refused the ultimatum issued by their Japanese counterpart and that they have no intentions of freeing China. As Dokomo is known to be a man of his word, a Japanese congressman has called for his impeachment as president. As of now, with over 19 hours left to vote, the impeachment has already failed 7-14, and the individual who would succeed Dokomo as president even came out lobbying against the impeachment.

Dokomo, proving himself to be one of the most shrewd and principled politicians in the game, will allow the United States of America to assault Kyushu once more at the end of the weekend, and then he will retreat it and allow us to gain a border with Asia, taking away Phoenix's ability to maneuver their soldiers to stop us this time. As soon as we are able to get into Asia, we will return Kyushu to Japan, and President Jewitt has already acknowledged that he is seeking funds to pay for destroying the infrastructure there. So, while Japanese businesses will be temporarily hurt with the American advancement, it will only be a minor inconvenience that, as I mentioned previously, we are sorry for.

This means that, next week, we will finally be able to make the move to liberate eChina. Americans and allies, begin stocking up on weapons and preparing for this. It will be a monumental task, especially once we arrived at Heilonjiang and face the wall that the Hungarians have erected. I must stress again, and will continue to stress, that taking this high iron resource from Hungary will be a severe blow to Phoenix's ability to attack us and the rest of the non-Phoenix nations across the globe. The United States, Canada, the rest of EDEN, Sol, and neutral nations all stand to gain security and a one-up in the fight against the domineering imperialism of the HIRIS-dominated Phoenix Alliance. No other fight that we have fought will be as important to our long-time security as this. Prepare.

UPDATE: Japanese Congress supports Dokomo's "righteous policy" in regards to this situation.

Other Stuff
Hey, go apply to work/help out at the United States Welcoming Committee. They're awesome. Also, this new Salvation Army Project is something good to get involved with as well; I was eBorn in Indonesian-controlled CA the week that Canada and D.C. both fell, and it's programs and individuals like this who helped out so many people at that time.

Libertarians, you better remember to reelect DanielCD as our Party President. Unanimously endorsed by us on the LP Steering Committee.

In an example of another New World politician making a necessary sacrifice for the long-term security of her nation, the president of South Africa will be allowing Brazil to take several regions from South Africa in order to stop PTO attempts during the next congressional elections.

Secretary of State Cerb has stepped down from his position, and has been replaced by Bradley Reala! Thanks for all of your service, Cerb. And yes, we here at News, Inc. agree that Dogs>Cats.

As always, pay attention to DoD Orders.

~Myles Robinson~

PS: I promised a Dolphin picture in #eus-congress the other day, so here it is:

That's what I'm personally giving Japan as a token of thanks for when we leave after we cross into Asia, since we aren't going to be staying long at all. 😉