DoFA Update March 2015

Day 2,669, 05:54 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

“May you live in interesting times…” In our current situation, one begins to see why this is considered by some to be a curse! Interesting times, indeed… But there are plenty of reasons for optimism. Here are some of the things your Foreign Affairs personnel are working on at the moment:

1) Look for an official announcement about eAustralia’s new alliance, coming soon! Infowar has been working tirelessly on this for some time now, and I think it’s safe to say it will be great news for all concerned.

2) The lines of communication with our friend nations are open and positive. Your FA team has been in close contact with our very important ePeruvian mates. Circumstances make this a fluid situation, so I am unable to give you solid information about our near future plans. Suffice to say, the bond with our amigos ePeruanos remains strong, and we will inform you of specific plans when we are able to do so.

3) We have also been maintaining regular contact with other non-allied but friendly countries, including Portugal, Sweden, Canada, and South Africa, amongst others. It is heartening to know how many good mates eAustralia has.

Sorry we can’t be a little more forthcoming at the moment—but you know how it is.

Cheers from your eAus DoFA team,

Infowar, MoFA
Jasper Zuidema, dMoFA
JackTrout, dMoFA