Dobis for South-East Congress!

Day 608, 14:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by JoeLawes

Well the time is upon us, Congress Election Day once again. But this month, what choice will you make?

My name is Dobis and I will be running for the United Kingdom Reform Party in the South-East.

What do I have to offer you?

I have been:
A South-East Congressman
Corporal and Sergeant in the Royal Guard.
Under-Minister in the MoIE.
Apprentice in the MoT.

I wont make promises I cant keep, I cant offer you a Q5 Defence System or 100’s of gold, and we already have a Q5 Hospital, but what I can offer you is my all, The South-East deserves the BEST and the BEST is all I can give.

Forum Activity has dropped, and my main priority is boosting those levels by increasing the amount that members can be involved on the Forums. To start with, I will be re-developing the South-East Regional Council, which I still remember from my First time in Congress and which shall consist of Citizens of the South-East, bettering the South-East for her people.

Being one of the Larger Regions, many new members may have queries or problems that need an experienced member of the e-Rep world to answer; therefore I plan to set-up a group of dedicated people, where New Members can ask questions that need answering. It’s YOUR South-East; you shouldn’t be left in the dark.

Everyone has the chance to see proposals set forth by the Government, but those not elected also have their views. This being said, if you do not agree with a Law Proposed to change, or maybe a Tax Rise, Send me a message and I will fight for the cause of the South-East. YOU have your views as well, so they deserved to be heard.

If you have any Questions or Queries about my Manifesto, My Political views or just want to chat, feel free to Send me a Message on either the eUK forums or Ingame, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

In the South-East
For the South-East
With the South-East

Dobis, Congress Candidate July ‘09