Do You Know Why I Play eRepublik So Much?

Day 847, 19:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow

Because there is nothing about the real world that isn't alienating or disenfranchising. The system tears all human relationships asunder in the name of profit. The English proletariat used to be tied to the machines of labour. Today they are tied to the machines of social substitute, of numbing illusion, of spectacle and fantasy.

The people are asleep. In a dream like state, unaware of the world around them, the reality of their situation. But is this illusion a fantasy? Is this ignorance bliss? Nay. It is no happiness that capitalism has brought the world. It is a hellish nightmare. The solution is a hazy noise like static in the background, on the edge of your consciousness. To tune in you must awaken from the sleep. The people must wake up. Wake up!