Do You Know the Enemy – Well, Gotta Know Their Media

Day 598, 18:57 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Headline Image: Orwell's Animal Farm & The Clash

Green Day: "Know Your Enemy"
Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy
Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul

To keep current of the coming conflict (so we are lead to believe) I’ve been reading through the media listings of eUSA, eUK, eIreland, and eHungary. Wheew, it’s a lot of clicking, and being a Friday, I’m sure you want to do something better than click away at eRep article directories.

So, to save your clicking finger and focus your reading time, The Shameless Plug has put together a list of articles from abroad. As Green Day says, you gotta know the enemy, and reading people’s views from different perspectives is one way to do just that.

eUK Articles

UK-Hungary Relations by Hassan Pesaran
Quote: “When we tried to have our "suprise" Wargames with Ireland, the World retaliated with vigour and we were ridiculed. At home, however, these games, however brief, provided immense entertainment and activity within the UK. The purpose of our upcoming Wargames with Hungary is the same; to involve our citizens more, give them experience and generally make their eLives more enjoyable.
The Plug: My response to this quote - “That makes you sound like the sensitive kid in class who can't handle a bit of teasing, so he comes to school one day with a gun to show them just how tough he is. So sorry we hurt your pride over the Ireland joke.” The big question: Will he be impeached or does Congress support Hassan? Even better question: “Are the eUK citizens in control of their PM and Congress?”

MoHA Hungarian TW-Scots by Mr. Woldy – Minister of Home Affairs
Quote: “You will all be provided a moving ticket to move out of Scotland, you should move to either the East Midlands or Northern Ireland, where there is a Q5 Hospital. After the War Games you are free to return to Scotland. If you stay in Scotland you will no longer be a member of the UK and will be buying your products of Hungarian markets, and you will have the Hungarian media”
The Plug: It’s the official announcement of Hassan administration about the ‘training war.’ Apparently they want to ship every Scottish citizen to another part of their country. What will they do with the businesses left behind? *facepalm*

MoDaFa Foreign Relations Update by Dishmcds/Foreign Affairs Team of UK
The Plug: An official statement from the Hassan administration. Believe it?
Quote: “This war is a by-product of an accident, which has been planned out and devised, and improved by our Congress. This is, by no means, an admission to any Foreign Policy nor will it be. We are using what is available to us to improve our ability to defend ourselves, much like Ireland and Canada have done in recent times.”

Dear Trolls by Dishmcds – an infamous eUK citizen
The Plug: It’s a request from a genuine, honest-as-they-come eUK citizen and Hungarian lover. It may be worth respecting eUK’s decisions and leave them alone by not bombarding their media with complaints. He says it’s a war game in which decisions need to be made. I say it is also a social networking game in which opinions are to be expressed…get ready to hear them, eUK.
Quote: “Erepublik is a game of choices. You make choices that are deemed the best for it's nation. Sometimes those choices are congruent with other nations, sometimes they aren't. That doesn't make it any less of the right choice for a country. You may not agree with it, sure. We understand and respect it. You're not involved in it directly, don't know what the true details behind it are, nor how it's set up, so frankly we didn't expect you to know that. The difference is, we're not trolling your media telling you how to run your country, are we?”

sup UK” by Emerick – Secretary of the State for eUSA
The Plug: Emerick has written an excellent response to the eUK move. It has style, music, and deep look at how eUSA feels about the “training war” and the failure of FORTIS. It’s written for an eUK audience, so lets hope they listen and vote more wisely in the coming elections.
Quote: “Betrayal. America sees the UK, one of its oldest and most trusted allies starting a training war with Hungary, a nation who's made no secret of its hatred of us, and we, quite honestly, feel betrayed. We already host war games for you and a number of nations, and Americans are wondering why you would choose to hold it with Hungary instead of, say, Sweden- a common ally of us both. You already have an open war with them anyways. It's not a huge jump, correct or not, to assume that it's a cover to give Hungary access to the US.

Where Did We Go Wrong? by Kid A – eUK citizen
The Plug: An appeal by a regular eUK citizen about the craziness of his current administration.
Quote: “As a nation, we always did what was right. We protected our allies. We did what was best for our people. So, Hassan Pesaran, answer me this. Not even one week ago, we fought alongside the United States of America in France. Do you remember Germany? The USA has been our ally for as long as I can remember, and they have been a good ally….We have a choice. We can keep our old friends, the USA, Canada, others, or we can go down this dark road and throw away everything that ever matter.”

eUK Government in Exile by Goku Jones – ex-eUK citizen (now in North Korea)
The Plug & Quote: The first line says it all: “I renounce my eUK citizenship until our formerly great nation is returned to British control. My final request is that President Hassan is impeached for his betrayal of Canada and the USA.”
Check out the inspirational poem. It’s good to see some citizens aren’t putting up with the Hassan administration.

Dirty Hungarian Tactics by Jim Timber – eUK citizen
The Plug: I’m not sure if the sarcasm in this article means it is for or against the current war. A funny read anyhow:
Quote: “Red Rag Read can exclusively reveal that Hungarian military chiefs are cursing there poor planning in this, their latest assault. Let us assess the obvious faults.”

Does the United Kingdom Wish to be Annexed by Fortis? by Wessex SO…(is that you dean22?)
Quote: “The question to the citizens of Britain is does the United Kingdom wish to be annexed by allies such as Ireland, Canada and USA? In 2 days the results will decide what happens. If a 51% majority is reached of people living in the UK then FORTIS will annex the United Kingdom to protect it.”
The Plug: Again, another article that is hard to determine how serious it is. The question is a good one and the response from eUK was obvious. I wonder how the poll will go.

Training War Yet Another Failure from the UK to the Eyes of the World by Sossu – eFinland citizen
Quote: “UK is willingly to give Scotland to Hungary for a month, so they can first attack Newfoundland&Labrador of Canada, make their move against Quebec and then they can attack the States. USA is already in a two-front war with PEACE, Russia and its 9 MPP😒 in the other end, Portugal with also 9MPP😒 on the other. Nice one UK, veren’t you just two days ago neutral from any alliances, as PM Hassan Pesaran stated.”
The Plug: Sossu has prepared a well detailed explanation about why the current training war is failure economically, politically, and strategically. Very compelling.

And to wrap up the UK section, a couple quickies from Rule Britannia by Saint Benedict: “Regarding the Recent Traditional American Complaining” and “We Didn’t Like Scotland Anyway
The Plug: It’s good to see some people are keeping the mood light despite the bad vibe going around.
Quote: “As alarming as it sounds, the British Kilt industry is really on its knees. The latest Government action, made impulsively when Hungary threatened to raise taxes on British-produced Earl Grey Tea, is to surrender our Scottish brothers, and all 3 respective huts.”

Articles in Ireland

Zip – zilch – nada – not one article about what eUK is doing with eHungary. John Bull’s Other Island seems content to live out their days with training wars from the US. Wait, but if Hungary has access to North America and begins a campaign, then the US and Canada won’t need training wars. Poor Ireland is about to lose its beer/Guiness money for hosting training wars.

As a toast to our training war partners, I’ll give them this little ditty by the Dropkick Murphy’s (an apt name, considering).
The song is “Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya"
Where are the legs with which you run,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where are the legs with which you run,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where are the legs with which you run,
When first you went to carry a gun
Indeed your dancing days are done
Johnny I hardly knew ya

Articles in the eUSA

Suffice it to say there are many, and many. Their position is much like ours, so I’ve left them out of this article (I can’t be doing this all Friday night!). Feel free to go check it out yourself.
Instead, I’ll dedicate this song to the citizens of eUSA – “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” –

Ironically, this is performed by Ultima Thule – a Swedish band who reminds me a lot of The Clash.

Get ready for the Jubilee,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.

Last but not least (okay, close to least liked)
Articles in Hungary

Perspective from a Canadian on Hungary Against Canada”” by dean22 of Canada (as if you didn’t know)
Quote: (dean22, I had to take out all those darn spaces-wth!) “Hungary was heavily losing the war but eventually Canada succeeded in defending Hungary's last few regions and the war module was closed for repairs. In a way you could say that Canada is the reason that Hungary exists as a sovereign nation today. Because Canada, protected it when it was weak. Do you really want to attack Canada? Hungary why would you attack someone who protected you to stay as a country 11 months ago in August 2008?”
The Plug: I thought this was a good move by dean22, though I doubt all of Hungary will listen. Still, it’s good to make them feel a little guilty, plus I learned a little more about eCanada’s history and role in saving Hungary. Way to go us…yes, I do believe it was a good idea at the time.

Since I cannot actually read Hungarian, I have no real idea what their perspective is on the conflict. If anyone wants to suggest a Hungarian article worth linking or a paragraph worth translating, please provide one in the comments. Thanks!

All that is left is the official order to attack Scotlan😛
Hadügyi közlöny - SKÓCIA // Orders for today - SCOTLAN” by Hadugyminiszterium

That ends this look at the media of July 10th on the eve of what could be the biggest battle to begin in the New World. We’ll sign off with a band mentioned earlier, The Clash. The song is “The English Civil War”. As the wiki states: “The song is derived from an American Civil War song, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home", written by Irish-born Massachusetts Unionist Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, which is in turn derived from the Irish anti-war song "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye".” (both of which were provided above). “The song is about this state of politics in Britain and warns against all things uniformed and sinister.”

Compared to The Clash, Green Day is little more than a group of poseurs. Hey, don’t get me wrong, Green Day can rock, but they are just doing what The Clash did 30 years ago. It just goes to show that the UK does have soul and the guts to stand up to a government they know are corrupt and going backwards fast. Let’s hope eUK gets in touch with their punk past and begins knocking down the door of their Legislature.
Let’s leave off with “The English Civil War”:

When Johnny comes
Marching home again
He's coming by bus or underground
A woman's eye will shed a tear
To see his face so beaten in fear
An it was just around the corner in the English civil war

It was still at the stage of clubs and fists
When that well-known face got beaten to bits
Your face was blue in the light of the screen
As we watched the speech of an animal scream
The new party army was marching right over our heads