Dishing Out The Facts

Day 830, 12:32 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

I am going to start with Hedera's platform of why I think he pretty muched BS'ed his last entire article, and I was a little astonished by what he said in the comment section of his article when I asked a question. The article can be found here.

Let's start off with his Foreign Policy which honestly doesn't even look like foreign policy.

1) I am going to negotiated to join Austria to alliance Phoenix as soon as I get elected. I understood that it could be decision quite wired for you and you could be veery surprise. In my honest opinion it’s necessary. Why we should join this alliance? I describe it in my articles before, I will hold a referendum in Austria (If I get elected) before I do that. There’ll be partnership between Austria and Phoenix we won’t be slaves, meaningless country or something like that. I will negotiate for Austria the best conditions I could.

Well Hedera, I don't really know quite what to say here, besides that you have not reassured anyone who has any intelligence to actually read what you just wrote and break it down sentence by sentence. So I will do just that, we get that you want to join Phoenix, you make it clear, but I think we deserve a little bit more of an indepth reason, I mean this whole section is a big jumble of feces you throw together. I mean did this even look good when you had it in your head? I am trying to understand you but really how are you going to make sure that Austria is not a slave to Phoenix, will you join it at any costs? My big thing is you talk about negotiations lets here what you will be negotiating is all, I just want more out of your platform. Not to mention I am almost positive you will need a 66% Majority of congress to join, and I doubt you will get it.

2) I will try to promote our country on international area, Austria must be considered as peace plea to live and place of opportunities for businessman. I will do my best to advertise Austria for foreign people of action.

Secondly this is not foreign policy, this would probably fall under a half-assed immigration stance to promote Austria. Foreign policy should be THE most important thing you have highlighted for these elections. So pretty much the main point is Join Phoenix, and write a bunch of meaningless stuff to make it sound like you support your theory. Much the like shout to act like you know what you are talking about method.

Moving on to his Interior Austria organization

1) I will try to reform our congress. Everyone who will want to proceed any new Proposal, will have to debate about it on the restricted forum (visible only for president and congress member ) on eAustria forum. After debate they will have to vote on forum (Yes, No, Abstain). After that there will be votes in game. We will do it because I want congress to act consciously.

Honestly this is a very good idea, I will give him the kudos he deserves on this, however how do you plan on making this happen when on the forums Austria is lucky to even have a post a day on the forums. As much as I like the plan you must be realistic or discuss ways you will try to make this happen.

2) In case of typical Proposals (old MPP, donate to our Bank), there could be no debate, if president or Ministry Of Finance order congress to vote "Yes"

I completely and 100% disagree with this, honestly this is kind of a disgusting statement to make against the democratic process these are perhaps THE most important kinds of votes a congressmen should make, and I am a little shocked he would even campaign saying this, did you not even think when writing this article?

4) There will be new Ministry of Austria Congress, elected by congress, which will take care about interior forum voting. He will also publish some topics from congress forum if congress members would agree.

Please explain this a little better I don't even get what you are saying even a little.

5) Players who would not pay "congress tax" and will try to proceed useless hazardous proposal (without debate about it on forum) will be on "black list" which will be published every 23th.

You mean to tell me you will enforce a congress tax that is against eRepublik laws? Go read the rules of the game before writing a platform that clearly goes against the part of the game that says it is illegal to make anyone pay and sort of tax for a government position. An encouraged donation is what I think you are looking for.

😎 Citizens of eAustria could push congress to create Proposal if there will be petition on forum with +50 votes.

Your lucky to have 50 different people log into the forums in one month. So yeah....

This next part is about his.... Social Policy? Are we having grand social banquets or something? Clearly you can see how I have no idea what he means by social because none of the topics listed in this section are not even social topics.

2)There will be create new grain companies "First Job", which will give jobs for new 0 or 1 skilled players and pay them a minimal wage. It will be a non-profit company. Products like grain, bread etc, will be use by organization which will help new Austria players.

I don't understand the focus on grain in general. It is honestly a dead market and you are talking about exporting this? The best thing is to use bread for manufacturing... but now that I am thinking about it Oraizan the current president has already done this so you are running or trying to run on a campaign promise that is not needed and is already done, either you are purposely trying to be misleading or you are simply just not informed on your own country. I don't know which is worse though to be fair for a guy running for president.

The Economy Section

1) Our main product is GRAIN. It is well-known fact. If we want to people buy our grain, it must either be cheap or they have to think it is promotion. The best solution is to set tax to 1% to give more flexibility for manufacturers.

Honestly it is a not a well known fact, so maybe you mean a well known opinion to yourself, which would probably be a better way to put. Austria should be a mainly manufacturing country, why? Well it's pretty simple there is more money to be made off manufacturing goods exporting. I am not even slightly a good economist in literally anyway, but I can see the fail behind what it is your are proposing to do.

2) Money for Mutual Protection Pact, Wars, Fist Job Company etc, will be collected from normal citizens of Austria. Country will lower the taxes, but will start collect funds from volunteers, or lottery, so normal people will be able to choose where they money should be spend.

This has nothing to do with economy but I will humor you, let says the overwhelming majority donated like 120 gold to sign an MPP with Croatia? Will you go by numbers of people or number of gold donated?

Hope you enjoyed my platform annihilator.

Alfred Ball - The Annihilator