Disband the UKRP - The only way forward for eUK Politics

Day 433, 16:57 Published in United Kingdom India by Tommy Tommasino

Yes this article is partly contributed to by the fact that for the second consecutive month I've lost out to an inactive UKRP congressman (no forum no manifesto) in North West *(it was East Midlands last month). This is however a stroke of luck for the eUK anyhow since due to RL circumstances i'm having to go inactive for a while (but will be back soon I hope!). However this fact of my own failure also draws my attention to the general plague of eUK currently : the UKRP. Anything I write in this article is entirely my own view.


A party of around 400 members. A party of over 20% of congress. A party who consider themselves justly one of the 'top 3' of eUK and a big player in eUK politics.

However I, Tommy Tommasino, would argue that they are actually the worst party in eUK currently and their very existance is detrimental to eUK politics currently and therefore the correct step should be taken and the party be disbanded. This is not of course certain active members fault.

The following statements however are true:

1. Their candidates for congress many of whom are inactive and do not post on forums have a far greater chance to get into congress based simply on a sheep vote of people who do not know them but vote based on party.

2. Many good candidates this month and last have lost out in elections to UKRP inactive members based simply on the fact that the opposing candidate is not UKRP. This is down to the nature of the game - party comes up first and UKRP has a large membership. I would argue that many players join the UKRP simply because it is the 'biggest party', nothing to do with their policy.

3. I have nothing against Deathtoll (as people could see when i called for the rejection of his impeachment) however UKRP must admit that if the sheep vote was laid aside Relic would have won the last Presidential Elections.

Yes every party suffers from sheep voting. But none suffer nearly as much from it as UKRP - the figures are ridiculous.

The vast majority of their congressmen can be classed as INACTIVE. The vast majority of members of their party can be classed as INACTIVE. UKRP is a stagnant beast that eUK needs to be rid of. It is time to call it a day. Its active members should leave and set up a new party - prove to eUK that you can survive without the sheep vote of inactive in-game members who have never read the policy.

An eUK without UKRP. An eUK with TUP, PCP, MDU, TRP and a newly formed UKRP without sheep votes would be an exciting place to be.


p.s if i sound a little bitter, i think i am allowed to be to a certain extent. this isn't however connected to my resigning as NHS north west director & MoMaS. RL circumstances have cropped up and mean i'll be idle for a while, but hope i'll be able to come back soon and give my all for eUK once more.

Yours as always,

Tommy Tommasino