Die with honor or live with shame [e.opinion]

Day 284, 13:49 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
Motto : “Some things in life are fair, some things aren’t. Some things are worth the fight, some things aren’t …in the end you can’t ask somebody to do what you will never do in his position and pretend is fair, because it isn’t”

We are currently one of the biggest country from erepublik, our small country expand true time and become now an empire who rule over 5 country or parts of country [ Romania, Moldova, Ukraine , Hungary, Slovakia ]

You will say this is a game and everything is possible and is cool, and off-course I will agree… but I won’t do it without some sadness in my voice. The reason is simple… the real Romania in more than 2000 years of existence, never carry a conquest war, we always was the defense line, defending our sweet lands and protecting our neighbors from roman empire, ottoman empire, Austro-Hungarian empire, Russian empire. … etc [ from all history, all empire from Europe have a small problem with our small country that resolve on battle field and most of them have more than one problem  ]

You might say after that … that this permanent defense and search for peace cost us a great amount of pain and our country was divided several time by all kind of empires over the time. I will agree again … but I will say something about it also: we are who we are now because we have this legacy from our ancients, if things in past wasn’t so harsh for us, our generation wasn’t the way is now …maybe was much worst … maybe was much better … we will never know.

Why I suddenly need to write this?

The reason: we become in this game something we aren’t in real life … we become something most of us hate because the lessons we all learn in school on history class, we become the oppression now, we are the one who demand blood for our needs now and we aren’t the one who fight for freedom and justice anymore [ at least not in this world ]

I know why we conquest Moldova first time , is easy : because in this country live our brothers and sisters and we are divide in real world from to much time , is the same reason for several Ukraine province that are old Romanian province. We write the history we all want to see in real life …all of us want to see again all Romanian province under Mother Romania and not divided by [a url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov-Ribbentrop_Pact]Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact[/a] under 3 country administration

I also know why we conquest entire Ukraine. The country was dying, with few native people in it and with a small chance to be free long time, so we decide to live together with our neighbors under the same name. Ok I admit is a bit strange to be under another country government but at least in all this months Romanian work for all them province in the common goal of developing them province.

Now we are again in war, a war against Hungary … another real war also become true in this game. Romanian and Hungary battle a lot of time in the history and we aren’t in very good relations not even now.

I might permit myself to say that most of the Romanian hate Hungarian people, and most of the Hungarian hate Romanian people. All is about [a url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transylvania]Transylvania [/a] [ Kingdom of Dracula ] , a old province from [a url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dacia]Kingdom of Dacia[/a] that was for some period under [a url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Hungary]Kingdom of Hungary[/a]. Even in this time our national historic fight over the story of this land. In Hungary they learn in school that when Attila come in this region [ the foundation of Hungary ] , this region in his vast size was deserted , they say around 1000 year no one was living in it , so they pretend this territory are them. In our school we learn the truth about ancients cities , about medieval towns and about a lot of Romanian sites from entire period of history from this region that belong to our country from more than 2000 years , long time before Hungary even born.

Currently in Transylvania is a Hungarian community who live together with the Romanian community. This make this Romanian – Hungary war to be seeing badly by several people who might actually leave in real life in Romania..

I frankly don’t believe Hungary people can live under Romania, and frankly don’t even want to share the same country with them because I do not believe we can live together, we are and we always was on 2 oppose side of barricade. Our believes and support was never on same side. I might say we fight from everything on each level, from culture, to economy, to history and even from a Transylvanian specific drink paternity call “[a url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palinca]palinca[/a]”

All this being sad, I want to add one more thing … I don’t know why we attack Hungary except the need of a word war. I believe the question is not why we start de war? The reason probably is the chance to see two powerful alliances in fight, and Hungary is just in the catch in them middle right now. The real question is how this conflict will change the world map in the fallowing days and what we should expect from future ?

Until that anyway we all play our cards, we will fight both side for there country and finally we will united [ probably ] under Romanian flag. The real deal will start then, because if until now we didn’t have a communication problem, because are very few Ukrainian citizen and all Moldavian know Romanian language. Most of the Romanian people will not accept article write in Hungarian language and most of them will write in Romanian also, so we will have a divide press in two languages that no side can understand unless all articles are write in English also.

We are the one who attack [ Romanian ] so we need to find the necessary resource from now to make all Hungary people enjoy there game in quite and prosperity. First steep will be to lose in time and past the so call “racist” comments and cheap accuse toward them. I read some article from new conquest province being take under assault by some of my fellow and I strongly disagree this … I don’t say it with bad intentions … just want to make all Romanian understand that they just see 1 – 2 articles in a language they don’t know, but the Hungarian people see all articles in a language they don’t know … is the same situation if we look it from this point of view and frankly we aren’t the one discriminated on this or put in lower position.

Off-course will take a period of time until we will all be able to find a mutual goal and after to work together and we need to make small steep each day to get there. We can start by helping Hungarian people, by offer them right jobs, but support them in there region and let them administrate themselves there old province. This I believe will be fair or at least much more fair than throwing each day in there face racist and ugly comments regarding our real life frustration or regarding the fact we conquest them. They aren’t slave , they are citizen like all of us and they have the same right like us and we should granted them this liberty … and see them like a Romanian not like a Hungarian , like a brother in game not like a an inside enemy.

I was wanted to mention that Hungary conquest Slovakia until this war and that today we conquest one old province from this country also. I don`t know what I can say about them , I don`t know how many they are … but they should be free also and help in them province.

In big pictures from now will be a new game for all and we all will need to fight together for a common goal, I’m sure in time after v1 will be a independence war but I really hope it will be a release from occupation from our side and I also hope that then we will be able to show real development in Hungary regions.

One last message : My fellow Romanians we conquest them , and this is our part of the guilt , they are obsess and this are there part...we can only live together if this Romanian - Hungary war will remain on battle field and will not move on newspapers. Put yourself in them position, I do believe you will do the same. Always respect your opponent; he might become your friend.

All of this are only my opinions and I hope to be see like that, I speak in my name only.

Welcome to Romania to all Hungary citizens ...let’s try to work all of us together. Is the only and the best way to prosper in this world.

I apologias if my English ins`t so good, hope all of you will understand anyway
