Develop the relationship between eChina And eNorway

Day 936, 21:44 Published in Norway China by GSTQ

Dear Norwian friends,

I understand many people are concern about the issue of eChina going to join the EDEN or not. I want to emphasis that this decision only can be make by eChina itself and we’re far from making a conclusion at this stage.

However, no matter eChina is going to join EDEN or not, we are insist to continue to develop the relationship between eChina and eNorway. As we both are the developing countries, we have a lot of potencial to establish the cooperate relationship in comprehensive area. Therefore, we are treasure the friendship with eNorway and hope to keep in touch and share the opinion in order to enhance the understanding and the foundation of the relationship.

Have a nice day.


eChina Ambassador to the eFinland, eNorway and eSweden