Determination - Honeymoon Period?

Day 2,208, 04:31 Published in Australia Montenegro by ForTeaSicks

A few days ago I decided to have a quick read of the new "Determination" feature and to be frank I was quite surprised at how little it will effect the game. I think the FF medals will do much more for the game than determination will.

The amount of determination that builds over time just looks like a traditional sigmoid function which isn't that great especially when you check out how long you have to wait to see any significant effect; as you would expect with a sigmoid type function.

As you can see from the graph above it would take roughly 3 months to reach a point where your determination would be high enough that your influence is doubled in battle. At which time many smaller countries still may not be able to liberate their region yet. However many countries will be able to liberate their regions between this 3-4month period. The only solace you get from liberating your region is that your determination will stay high after liberation. The only issue is that determination withers away so fast it might as well have been reset.

From the image above you can see after liberating your region that has been under enemy control for 3 months+ your determination will be back to 0 in about a week. This basically means after a few months of losing your region you get that extra push you need to liberate, at which time you can hold onto your liberated region for a week.

I am not saying we can't liberate our regions without determination and I am not saying we can't hold onto our regions when our determination is 0. I am an optimist. I'm merely asking... "How does determination change a thing???"

You may be saying, "...well its helping plenty of countries like, America, Canada, Germany etc, they managed to get a whole bunch of land back??..!?.!." Well this is because "Determination" is in its honeymoon period. All the land is given its rightful determination as though it had been around all along, giving many countries very high influence bonuses easily allowing them to liberating their region.

In a week or two the empires will re-emerge and capture everything once more... changing nothing. I am just wondering... Did I miss something???... I hope I am mistaken or that I read something wrongly as otherwise the only other option is that I am left with the bleak future that determination is as useless as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

If I have read something wrongly please do let me know if not we have to buckle up and continue the tough ride that is eRep. Anyways that is about all I have to say. 😃