Destiny of an or aspiration? (UPDATED)

Day 741, 13:43 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Update 2: Some interesting development is on going within DAP primaries. I will be endorsing Nagyzee - who have just announced his CP candidacy...😃

Update 1: Ps: due to repeated request, and finally inspired by Allan Dob something's trooling - i would like to categorically state here that I am not running with nicholas2000. End of speculation.

A leader for an e-nation should take the aspirations of the people and make them into a reality OR a leader should give/sell his/her dream and vision to the people of an e-nation, and make that into a reality?

In a modern democratic society, particularly of an advanced nation (RL), pure democracy means electing a national leader that would could relate to the aspiration of the people. That is - a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Yet, Abraham Lincoln, that very American President that wrote those famous words - was famous for selling a vision of a free-slave United States of America - to half its nation, was famous for starting and ending the Civil War that broke families, friendships but also bonded the young nation of America. Within eRep politic module - 'pure democracy' is almost possible, because of free media, automatic franchise of votes, free 'education' and freedom of participation.

Do we get e-government that truly reflect the aspiration of the people then?

Yet, for a young nation, or rather, a nation with a large segment of its population being under-educated in a sense - pure democracy would lead to no where. As the population and nation itself is uncertain of its own destiny, the masses would typically either hold on to the status quo, whatever that is, or to a destiny forced upon them. This would explain why in some random African and Asian democracies (RL) - dictators are voted in, with huge majority for many many elections. Taking the parallel of that to e-nation, one would observe, established leadership or the Establishment of each e-nation would typically enjoy stable and long reign - be it eIndo, eSweden, eCanada, eSingapore or eMalaysia. Admittedly, there are some change of government - but often the changes a minute, and the population/masses would go with the destiny forced upon them.

Think about it.

Did eIndo president did the 'most strategic' thing when he decided to listen to the 'masses' and attack eMalaysia? Similar question can be posed to now-resigned Termetes Samu of eHungary and his decision to attack Burgenland. Yes, listening to the 'aspiration' of the people may be worthy of true democracy, but alas , would that lead to greater nation or more idealistic destiny for an e-nation?

Same arguement can be put forth to analyse advanced RL democracies e-nations such as eUSA and eUK. In both scenarios, the e-nations are hugely populated by RL citizens (unlike eMalaysia), and therefore, it is not too difficult to draw parallel between RL USA and in-game eUSA, as long as we account for the correct demography. eUSA may have a sense of 'world police' just as its RL counterpart, and its citizens often rally behind inspirational leaders that deliver that particular vision.Does that lead to greater eUSA? Well, when there was only Florida - maybe not. Now, maybe yes. Considering the Establishment in eUSA - itself - is only revolving around a small bunch of very influential people, does the 'Republic' module work then?

Thus, the conclusion - a government that merely follows the wishes of its people - is a weak government . A government that does not follow the wishes of its people - is a tyrant government. Ideally - in my humble opinion - a leader of a nation, or an e-nation must be able to offer a grand vision to its people, a vision tha the people can aspired for, convince the masses of that vision and lastly execute actions towards that vision..

With that - i would like to put forth my candidancy for Vice-President for the term Dec 2009 and ultimately the Presidency for the term Jan 2010.

I shall deliver a vision to you, eMalaysians, that perhaps align with your aspirations.

Ultimately, the destiny of the e-nation, should be at the hand of the population, not some smoky mIRC rooms where 3-5 people decide the fate of an e-nation. I shall spent a term assisting the next President to achieve his goals. Some people have asked - why VP first and then Presidency - well, i want to be able work within the government, in which i have no extensive experience. While there is no true election for VP, i do hope that the Presidency candidates will take my offer seriously. And lastly, more pertinently, it is because I am traveling in RL for 2 weeks to the sunshine state of california. Not much point of being a president and not available, isn't it?

At your service,
Carr de Vaux

a leader of a nation, or an e-nation must be able to offer a grand vision to its people, a vision tha the people can aspired for, convince the masses of that vision and lastly execute actions towards that vision.

ps: many don't take the politics in RL or in eRep seriously - but to me, international and national politics are probably the most interesting modules of this game. Maybe because i cannot afford a company yet. hahaha.

pps: Many told me that my brand of 'politics' won't work in an e-nation like eMalaysia as most of our players are either multies or inactive foreigners who care for nothing. I hope we can change that for the better!

Reply to comments:
Thank you all for the kind encouragements and comments. 🙂 It is great to see support and encouragement across the political spectrum - and even a couple of international friends. Thank you so much! Some specific reply:

@crvnazvezda: voters should punish the leaders that don't deliver on their promise. The media should be more critical when necessary.

@tsunami kuching: i had to be unavailable for 2 weeks possibly. can't risk that.

@fragreg : OMG!

@surveybeta: some sensitive discussion will still be in private, but i will adopt a government that actively disseminate information to its citizens. I guess my record on my newspaper is a clear indication of that.

@Masila: Sanggup lu dokong gw jadi Presiden eIndo? 😃 btw, vikta is indeed the most beautiful girl in the whole of eMalaysia..but we also have pruscok - the most beautiful priestress in the whole of eWorld.