Desertfalcon For President: An Honest Look At Our Borders

Day 499, 18:30 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

First off since this is the issue everybody seems to care about, war games will continue no matter who gets elected, war games are good for the economy and good training for our citizens so yes I would keep them going.

Now one of the hot topics this time around is our military and how secured our borders are. Most other candidates are just going to tell you that we need Atlantis in order to keep our borders safe and that if we left the world will gang up against us in hope of destroying the U.S.. Quite frankly this argument does not have a leg to stand on, it is true that most of the word harbors negative feelings towards the U.S. and in theory would enjoy watching us get destroyed in a game but that little bit of real life resentment is all that these people can come up with as reasons why the U.S. would be invaded.

First off the threat of an invasion is minimal. It has been over a year since war was introduced into this game and in the 4 direct wars the U.S. has been involved there has never been a real battle on any of our home regions (Minnesota and North Dakota briefly came under fire in the North American war however peace was signed soon after those battles began). Back in that age the U.S. was much weaker as well, we ranked 6th in population and the world had just about teamed up with Canada to beat us with Canadian reinforcements coming from Sweden, Indonesia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Romania, and almost every world power except Pakistan. Now with the world on their side how come the Canadians did not push further into the U.S. when they could of very well taken a good chunk of regions? The reason is the U.S. would be incredibly difficult to occupy for various reasons. What I am about to show you are several possible scenarios for an invasion of the U.S..

Most people who believe PEACE is out to get us and that Atlantis would take revenge on us if we left are just living in fear. In actuality if we were to leave Atlantis and start up a third alliance (which is quite popular of an idea in other countries as well) then the whole PEACE Vs. Atlantis feud would help us. Invading the U.S. would require substantial numbers and loads of gold, because of this nations that are already at war like Romania and Spain would pretty much have to just sit and watch as if they tried to attack they open the door for Portugal and Indonesia to strike. Remember when Argentina left Atlantis and Atlantis said they would have their revenge? Well we are still waiting on that. The truth is that countries in the top 10 very rarely get attacked because the odds of winning are so low and it would be incredibly costly. But just for fun lets look at the scenarios of invasions.

A nations strength is calculated by the amount of votes in the presidental election times the average strength, this gives us a good look at the active population. These figures are not 100% accurate since certain events can alter the percent turnout in a presidential election and I have no way of factoring in ranks however they are the best we have. I have calculated the strength of the U.S. to be about 5,784. The maps you see indicate how long it would take for an advancing army to reach a certain region assuming the occupying region wins every region. If a region is red that means it could be invaded on the first day of war, yellow means it could be invaded on the second, green means on the third, and so on and so on. They don't really mean much but they were fun for me to make and everybody likes pics so enjoy.

1. World Invasion

To be honest we would be quite screwed here, in the unlikely event that the world would set aside their differences for a few days to wipe the U.S. off the map we would be screwed. However America has not pissed off everyone in the world and the odds of this happening are so low its barely worth mentioning, but just for fun here are the stats.

Strength of neighboring countries

Spain- 3,201
U.K.- 2,020
France- 1,624
Canada- 1,512
Portugal- 1,456
Japan- 484
Ireland- 383
Mexico- 245
Russia- 226
Total- 11,151

2. Atlantis Invasion

If Atlantis were to retaliate for us leaving the alliance they would slightly outnumber us however they would be geographically challenged for advancing further as their two strongest nations are on our east coast and it would take them 8 days to work their way across the continent (assuming they win every battle and the U.S. does nothing to stall them). They could move south from Canada to attack the west coast and end the war within four days at the earliest however in order to that Canada would have to take the entire western half of the country. On the map you can see the dividing line which I made bold, Canada would have to take all those regions to the west of that bold line.

Sweden and some other smaller nations within Atlantis may send troops as well however Romania would be bogged down with the situation in Russia and would not be able to spend a good amount of gold on this war.

Spain- 3,201
U.K.- 2,020
Canada- 1,512
Total- 6,733

3. PEACE invasion (excluding MPPS activated in Mexico)

Just looking at our neighbors in PEACE we would be safe, however the fact that we have activated MPPS with countries such as Indo, Brazil, and Hungary makes things much different. People say that New Jersey was the best place to put the new Q5 hospital since it would increase the population numbers and wall there and that it was a strategic position but really New Jersey is no more valuable then any of the other east coast states. New Jersey borders France, a country we have not had a battle with in almost three months. If were truley at war with PEACE then why not put it in a region more likely to be attacked? New Mexico would build up the wall in the weakest of states bordering Mexico while Georgia would of built up the wall in the second region which bordered Portugal (problem with Georgia is we could lose it and the hospital in Florida on the same day). I have no idea why congress chose New Jersey.

France- 1,624
Portugal- 1,456
Japan- 484
Mexico- 245
Total- 3,809

PEACE with MPPs activated

Hungary- 4,972
Indonesia- 3,875
Brazil- 1,942
Iran- 1,583
Italy- 1,522
Total- 17,703+ the rest of the MPPs.

What do these numbers mean

In short that we outnumber our PEACE neighbors and could hold our own against Atlantis should a third alliance be created and Atlantis wish to intervene, however its the MPPs that we have activated that cause the most danger to our borders. We need someone who will close off the unnecessary wars in Portugal and France as all they do is invite nations to attack us and restrict us from trading with half the world. We should leave the war in Mexico open for war games but the fact is the war in France is long over and the odds of us winning in Portugal or France are very slim.

The chances of us ever being invaded though are very slim, with 51 regions and over 10,000 people it would cost close to 10,000 gold just to start up a battle in every American region and then they would still have to win every battle. Even if we were invaded we could easily beat them back with our MPPs and hold them with resistance wars. We could still have MPPS with Atlantis countries even if we left the alliance and if we were to end the wars and build relations with PEACE then we would be in a much better spot then we are in now with three active wars and half of our neighbors angry with us.

What I would do if I was elected

We need to keep one war open so we can have war games however we need to look over the other two and consider closing them as they don't benefit us any way and we don't have any plans on invading. I am certain that I would be able to get a peace treaty worked out between Portugal and France as I believe the people of both countries would welcome a peace treaty, the only reason Portuguese congress declined the last one was because it was obvious that we just did not want them to retake the regions we had in Mexico (which they ended up doing).

The best way to secure our borders is to be a good neighbor. We don't have to be in a countries alliance to have good relations with them or even to sign MPPs with them. Bottom line we need to end the defunct wars and keep the diplomatic war games going.

~April 2009~