Department of Fun Introduction

Day 844, 21:13 Published in USA USA by Syrup
Hello, I am Syrup, and under PigInZen's term I will be Secretary of the Department of Fun. I know it seems somewhat ironic to try to be organizing fun, but basically we will organize events and other frankly, random things just to get a laugh out of America.

Casino and Lottery:

I am combining these into one group. I see no reason why we need them separate. Being run by bkblake this term, I am working with an idea with him of all mobile voters and blockers (not the party affiliated kind, the ones that vote against PTO'ers i.e. Belgium) to be entered in a Lottery 'hat' of all the others and one lucky winner will win 1 Q3-Q5 house (probably paid out of my pocket).


Being run by mjdiv. Currently we are setting up a TF2 Tournament with USA vs Hungary. He doesn't play TF2 so I have mostly been taking hold of this project. Good interest, have 5 players signed up on the USA team. If you are interested in playing PM me. If only Woxan hadn't taken the freaking spy spot." alt>
Our relationship goes very deep. Also, click the love note.


I absolutely loves system0101's article about sending citizens pictures of cookies. I am currently getting him on the lulz team. Until then, I suppose Zoli will have to do.

Department of Nefarious and Sundry Operations:

Renaming this to SEES liason. Will be headed up by JP this term. Basically the general consensus was that he will keep the whitehouse up to date on what SEES is doing with the agreement that the public prosecution of SEES by officials stops.

Department of Fun Mission Statement:

Columbia must burn. Go for it PigInZen!" alt>
Protip: Get this guy to press the button. He looks pretty unstoppable.

Syrup (Secretary of Fun)