Demokratene Party Program!

Day 734, 15:50 Published in Norway Norway by Kenneth Bloodaxe


Secure finance for both the individual and for businesses.

The first thing we should do is to lower the taxes on weapons and food to 5% so that the worker has something left and that there will come more people to eNorway so that companies can easily find workers. Import of weapons and food should however be set up to protect our businesses and make them develop at home.

For the future, we want to start extensive talks with countries that have a weaker market than what the consumers can handle. We want to start getting good trade agreements with these countries. So we can get more of the resources that we don’t have so much of. Then our companies will have the opportunity to apply more workers and strengthen their competitive ability with outside markets as well as in Norway.

We will promote the support for export licenses from the government’s side, and the vote for who gets one will go through the congress. Only companies having a higher production than what Norway needs and who have a good economy will be given export licenses. There also has to be a contract signed for it to be given.

We want to start maintaining the market and see where we lack strong companies to fulfill not just our needs in Norway, more workers and strengthen their competitive ability with outside markets as well as in Norway.

The Finance Minister will closely monitor trade agreements. We believe that a strong export and trade capability in companies and our nation is the future of any nation seeking greatness in this game and as so, we will work our ass off to ensure Norway the best possibilities.

Overall, this will give the companies a larger potential to sell out all their wares and gain the potential income they have from their production swiftly. Therefore giving them a wider overview of what potential, they have wages wise, as there will undoubtedly be a higher competition for workers with this. Companies will strive for producing more than others produce and offer competitive wages based on skill and activity.


Political openness and accountability;

Political discussions should only take place at the open congress forum, so everyone can have an overview of what is going on. IRC channels should be used only informally, and cannot be referenced

Demokratene is very passionate about strong boundaries to the government. We want to ensure more power to the citizens, and less executive powers to the president without the support from the representatives of the congress. We believe that the society is people of changing opinions and that the congress represents you, The Citizens through the presidential period, and we want to take use of these representatives to give the citizens a stronger feel of control and confidence in the government.

We work for all companies as equal. We appreciate all our company owners and only want to promote them all and not just one chain of companies connected to our party.

We believe that the president is the one who takes the initiative for change and the congress represents the people. If the president doesn't have a majority of support in the congress then his decision is not supported by the people.

THe ministers will be the advisers of the president and as such, they will be chosen by the president by his best decisions.


we in Demokratene will be working very hard for a good immigrasjon system in eNorway, because the only way we really can grow. Is to have more citizens in our beloved country. We in Demokratene want to start giving people money for recruiting new players. And follow up the new players that have started a journey in this great game

We will work for a detailed user guide for the new citizens in eNorway.
The party will also draft a manual to be distributed to all "new" to join the party

we also want to advertise for getting more players into Norway. We are letting the one in that we trust, and know is going to do a great job for our nation, this way we can make sure that our nation is filled up with motivated people that only want the best for our country. And so we will grow!

But more important is that we go over to the two languages, English and Norwegian so we can invite players from other countries.
We can write articles in several countries and invite them to the eCountry with low taxes, and English as a language.

Democrats go new ways!


A defense of all the best for the country and the individual;

Defense will be shaped by what is most profitable in the game. First, we need more activity in eNorway and the defense can play an important role. Now the situation is too locked and boring. How the game has become, we need war and tension in the country. We will be working for having a training war EVERY day. So you. the citizens of eNorway, can grow strong. And have a Q5 hospital in every region, Then people can fight from their home town

We also have to let eNorway find its place within international organizations to ensure eNorway a couples of MPP`s

we think that Norway is a country that is in big danger to again be annexed by eRussia or eHungary. Therefore, we have to gain and maintence good relations with other countries. We have to Respect our differences and make win win situasjons. Like a trading deal and a MPP. And not war.

We also want to finance of the Special Force. It will have to be made a strong contract about it, but our plans is to actively provide help to our friends around the world and show our good will to guard countries that are less fortunately attacked. We believe that to simply sit and watch is a losing strategy.

It's like this poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.