Demand Better

Day 728, 19:59 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
Jacobi for Prime Minister, December 5, 2009

I start with a YouTube advertisement, as a hallmark and a nod to my past campaigns as I embark on this next one.

The question in the ad is a simple one, “Where Should Canada Go?”

For most of us the last month and a half we have seen a transition between a Canada geared for war towards a Canada geared to peace. The dominant questions of the day, where once were how to defeat PEACE, have turned to what comes after the end of that world spanning alliance. The transition has been considerably marked in the last few weeks by a Prime Minister plainly unsuited to his non-military role and an administration that has made a habit of being reactive to everything instead of being proactive. I am disappointed to admit that many of the ideas I touted as President, a strong foreign policy that reaches beyond our traditional allies, economic policies that maximize the governments spending ability, a well funded CAF, have been taken far past their logical extremes. The current administration, primary at the top, has done at best a passable job in their stewardship of our country.

But passable should not be good enough. Canada should demand better.

As we go forward in this process, I will be outlining my vision for Canada, a vision many of you may be familiar with, since it is in very similar ways the vision I used for four months as Prime Minister and identical in philosophy as the previous Presidential run by my friend Treian.

- fiscal responsibility coupled with sound economic management.

- a foreign policy that focuses on our primary relationships while reaching out to new friends, (though not with hundreds of gold in free giveaways).

- A communication system honed during the war that makes absolutely sure that people know where, when and how to fight.

- Domestic programs with clear goals and clear objectives

- A military that can accommodate and expand to include any active Canadian who wishes to participate, and a military that has the power and potential to help our friends and allies.

- A Cabinet with experience and youth coupled with dedication and commitment, elegant and effective

- And Mature and responsible leadership

Now, let me be honest with you. I’m not super fantastic excited that three major candidates have already declared their intent to run for Prime Minister with more than 2 weeks until the election, but it does say something about the cumulative faith that we all have in our present leadership. With that in mind, I’m going to ask you all to make something of this ridiculously expanded campaign period.

To all interested citizens:

Message me.

Give me your ideas, give me your thoughts, tell me what you think can be done to make this country a better place. Many of the greatest ideas of my time as Prime Minister came from unexpected sources. I challenge you to help me make our country better.

To my fellow candidates:

I challenge you to a series of debates, three in all, one each on economics, military and foreign policy, and domestic policy. A free and frank exchange of ideas between the competing viewpoints that we all offer will make this campaign a much more meaningful exercise than the non-campaign that was November 5.

My fellow citizens, the world is changing around us, and as the modules are modified and expand, we will need leadership capable of keeping up with the times. As we move forward, I encourage you to get involved in the process, ask questions of the candidates and demand better.

Do that, and no matter the results, we will be better off on December 6,

- Jacobi
