Day 1,438, 05:23 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Amidst all that noise about e-Kosova, a much more important issue has been overlooke😛 For great justice and historical accuracy, it's time to delete Maryland.

Ewwww! I drank too much Maryland!

I mean, really, who has ever heard of Maryland? Does it even exist? Has Maryland ever done anything or produced anything of note? Nope. Have you ever met anyone from Maryland? No, of course not. It's basically just a swamp with a naval base.

Furthermore, it's about the size of pea anyway. Who would miss it?

Not that some pea-sized states aren't worthwhile. There's Delaware, for example. Delaware is rightfully famed throughout the land as the Liechtenstein-like tax haven for American capitalism, with a well-earned reputation for corruption and malfeasance that is the envy of many other state-level bureaucracies.

But Maryland makes no sense. It's shaped like a squishy handgun, with the barrel pointed at West Virgina. Most of Maryland should just be handed over to Delaware, with the Appalachian part given to West Virigina, where it naturally belongs.

The other famous teeny-tiny-state is Rhode Island and Plymounth Plantation, the smallest state with the longest name. Little Rhody, unlike Maryland, is absolutely necessary. After all, those Richie Riches from Massachusetts need someplace they can go that has decent tattoo parlors and legal bath houses, but isn't all weird and rural. (Ahem! Maine, I'm lookin' at you!) By the way, for the former, I recommend Artfreek on Wickenden Street in Providence. Ask for Steve. He's awesome. For the latter, no comment.

Yeah. Go google for tourist attractions to visit in Maryland. You know what's at the top of the list? "Tory House". Can you believe that? The most interesting thing that this so-called "state" has to offer to people unfortunate enough to have to drive through it is a refurbished old house once inhabited by some monocle-wearing, tea-sipping British twat colonizer who high-tailed it off to Canada 230 years ago. Yawn!

Sure, Babe Ruth was born in Maryland... but he left, didn't he? I mean, he didn't even play for the Orioles.

And what's up with Baltimore anyway? It's not really even a city, is it? Just sort of a sleazy suburb of D.C. where the politicians can go slumming when they can't afford the high-priced hookers in Washington. Now, Baltimore does have a nice, sleazy Delawarian feel to it. So I recommend either federalizing it or just handing it over to Delaware so it can take it's rightful place amongst the sleaze capitols of America.

But enough about real life. In eRepublik, e-Maryland is just as useless and meaningless as in real life, maybe even more so. It's only kept on the map so that various butt-hurt Euro-imperialists can come slogging over here on their way to a real state like Virginia or Pennsylvania.

Summary: Maryland probably doesn't even exist in real life, so why should it exist in eRepublik?