Declaration of Intent - Adam Griffin for GA Congressman

Day 666, 09:41 Published in USA Chile by Adam Griffin

Hello everybody! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Adam Griffin, and I am seeking the congressional seat in the great state of Georgia.

I was born into the eWorld on a balmy summer night (Day 531) in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. I quickly realized that to support my country and bring about the great changes I envisioned, I must become acquainted with the political and economic layout of our country. I spent many eDays reading and learning, sitting quietly until I was ready and fluent enough in the world to pursue the American dream.

I was almost ready, until that day came that we all remember. The day that Russian troops landed on our soil. I knew this would completely and forever change the course and history of the eUS. I put my political track on hold, and got involved in grassroots resistance. I initiated several lotteries which brought in gold for resistance wars, moving tickets for stranded citizens, and tank support. My proudest moment was playing an integral role in the organized resistance that liberated Kansas from the Russians.

Every American has played a part in maintaining our country. From civilians to soldiers, from politicans to editors, we all have extended a hand to aid Mother Liberty in her plight against tyranny. That is why America is so great. That is why America will never be defeated. Despite our initial lack of organization, we have shown our oppressors that we cannot be taken down so easily. We have shown that a nation of 51 regions, when pushed back to having only one region can still rise from the ashes and claim its rightful destiny in this eWorld. We all have a part to play in this still, and I am ready to accept my role in becoming your congressman from Georgia.

How Far We Have Come

When the invasion began, our country was a divided mess. The USWP reigned supreme, unwilling to listen to others about the fatal errors that the government was committing that would later jeopardize our nation's security. The other parties slandered, fought, and bickered with each other over the remaining crumbs of power that fell to the floor from the proverbial table of privilege. Our party ultimately saw defeat, as it should have in any healthy democracy, with the election of Emerick. Emerick brought about the change that was necessary in desperate times, and fortified the nation into one solid entity. The USWP was forced to reconsider their ideas and strategies, and after losing many members due to the leaders' ignoring of their suggestions, has restructed itself into a proud, humble party once again. Today, we see parties of completely different affiliations protecting each other from PTOs. What a long way we have come in the past two months!

What I Will Do For You

I will listen to your ideas. I will do my best to serve the ideas of the people and will never vote on an issue for my own gain. I will not take your vote for granted, as many politicians do. I will stand with the people and my country before my party. I will work as hard as I can to bring about security, structure, and prosperity to all states once again.

Legislative Goals During the War

It is hard to implement domestic change during an invasion. Most of my ideas are pending peace being restored in the eUS. What I will do while this war is ongoing is:

- Analyze all current tax rates to ensure we are utilizing them in an efficient way for both the government and the people
- Promote a "Buy-American" attitude that will prevent our economic output from being used against us
- Extend benefits to the mentoring program established during the Emerick Administration
- Attempt diplomacy with Latin America in order to ease strained tensions

The Main Goal After the War

My main goal after this war is ended is a lofty one, but one that I am sure the American people can rise up to and meet. I am looking to establish (9) Q5 Hospitals and (9) Defense Systems. That's a lot of money, right? Well, we have a lot money. I have seen so much generosity from citizens during this war; when I was running the lotteries we raised more gold than I thought was possible considering the economic condition of the country. People reached down deep into their pockets and gave what they could, and it snowballed from there. Once our country is back on track, these hospitals and defense systems can be established without raising taxes on anything. Lotteries and donations will pave the way to great wellness and superb defense.

Where will these infrastructures be set up? My plan would call for one of each to be established in the following states:

New Jersey

The model for this is based on resources, not population. Population hubs can move according to where they want to be, but our resources must be protected in the event of another invasion. Establishing infrastructure in these key-resource states will help establish that. If you are interested furuther in my logic of these placements, feel free to analyze the resources of each of these regions; this article isn't really the place for the in-depth discussion of that at this point. Seperately, for the people of my great state I want to see at least a Q4 Hospital re-established. The Portuguese don't know what hospitals look like and they burnt ours down in confusion when they came marching into Atlanta!

In all seriousness, I want to be your congressman. I want to bring change and prosperity about in ways I know we can accomplish. When you cast your vote on Election Day, please consider me.

Adam Griffin