Debate Review

Day 1,331, 18:24 Published in USA Belgium by Darrel Anderson 2

Let me tell you, in RL Im on the speech and debate team, and to this day I have yet to see a debate as crazy as the one I participated in this evening.

Out of the four candidates that have announced there candidacy, and are "technically" running, two showed up. And those candidates were myself and Chickensguys.

Prior to the debate all candidates received a reminder of the debate along with the set of questions for the evening. Party President Marxus asked that we all prewrite our responses to the questions in order to save time when the debate started. So I have all my debate responses in order lined up when the debate started and I received the first question. So by instinct I copied and pasted the first response. Little did I know Marxus mixed up the questions 😛 So that was a dumb mistake on my part.

The debate continued and CG was being his typical self, which Im sure you will find out for yourself when the debate dialogue is posted by Marxus.

I hope that I was able to successfully answer your questions tonight Libs! If you have any further questions pm me or comment.

Again a big thanks to Marxus for moderating tonight! He did an awesome job!


-Darrel Anderson
Lib Party Director
Candidate for PP