Day 614, 11:20 Published in USA USA by Elizabeth Jones

The time has come for you to be a man and truly stand up for this country that we both love or step down from your position as our leader. It has become clear to me, and many others, that your presence is no longer needed as the figure head of our great nation. You are completely clueless on how to lead. Your strategies are a failure. You and your cronies personal attacks on me and other new citizens is a complete disrespect to the office that you hold. You, in various ways and manners attempted to clamp down and shut up any voice of dissent when in reality, it's the eMerican way to question the actions of those in power. Sometimes, I have to think whether you are a true eMerican. The actions of you and the elite resemble policies of a communist nation. Are you a PEACE plant...placed in this country long ago as part of a thoughtfully planned out scheme? Is your allegiance truly with this country? These questions must be asked. Currently, there are soldiers of foreign nations marching through this country that I love, stomping on my rose garden and eating my tomatoes and green peas. I didn't spend my time slaving and fighting and gardening and living a better life for them. I do this for the eMerican people. When are you truly going to stand up and defend us, instead of trying to abandon us?

WHY have you and the corrupted communistic elite lead us down this path of destruction?

The current state of affairs is quite evident of the failed leadership you and the elite have excercised. What's clear to a blind man should be clear to you and all your zombies. I will not fall victim to your internal propaganda of failure. As a hard-working, eMerican citizen, I require, charge, and command you answer for your arrogance, your incompetence, and your treasonist actions toward eUSA. At this point, I have no other choice but to ask that you resign. Yes, that's right. I'm calling for your resignation as the President of eUSA.

I look forward to you doing what's right for the good of this great nation...or what's left of it.


Cpl. Elizabeth Jones