Dear fellow Lolish compatriots...

Day 1,143, 07:52 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian
Message from the new elected president of Polan😛

Dear citizens,

This is the time we been waiting for. Once there was a country named Poland, a country respected and cherished in between her friends, a country who supported their allies and received the same trust and respect in return, a country who was proud to hold the EDEN flag high. We were their biggest nation, their crown jewel.
Times have changed and today we are no longer worthy of their trust, we became their seed of discontent and even betrayal. We stab them in the back and call them names. So the name of Poland does not reflect the truth anymore.

Ladies, and gentleman,
I give you:

I swear allegiance to the Lolish flag

Because I cannot possible be happy with 1 month in command I proclaim Loland to be kingdom and me to be its rightful heir to the throne:

Iz not like therez anybody else ruling in here anywayz! [Extract from the President memoirs]

And take as wife the sweetest of the Lolish daughters:

She will give me beautiful healthy babies to continue the royal bloodline after I`m gone.

Loland, your future looks promising!
Long live the new president!
Long live the brave Lolish people!
Long live the glorious nation of Loland!