Dear eIndonesia,

Day 1,471, 15:49 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Image of Java burning.

Before you go patting yourselves on the back you need to remember a few hard learned facts about eAus. Our decision to leave EDEN doesn't affect our relationship at all. While you are still in possession of our states we will remain, as we have always been, enemies. That situation has always been yours to fix, you claim that you attack us because of our EDEN affiliation, what will your excuse be now?

Does becoming neutral weaken eAus? No it simply erases the excuse the local bullies have always relied upon as justification. Our allies will remain our mates and in eAus that means something.

So no eIndo, you have not won, you have not weakened us, you have done nothing but make us stronger. Since there is no more EDEN alliance our battle planning will be adjusted to compensate. Instead of hoping they will turn up, they will no longer be figured into the equation. As the MoD responsible for hurting you so many times in the past trust me, this advantages us, not you.

You will face eAus and their friends, whether they be from the eUSA, eGreece, eChina, eBrazil, eCanada, eIndia or any other nation in the eWorld and I do hope that one day our dear friends eNZ will begin their rightful place fighting side by side with our nation. Our doors are open to many more MPP’s and as a nation we will continue to grow stronger.

Make no mistake eIndo, while you occupy our land there will never be peace, there will be no negotiations. The fight for eAus will continue. We will not simply go silently into the night and we will not join ONE at the drop of a hat. That is not in our nature. You came into our yard and picked us for a fight.

If ONE desire eAus to join then the price for even considering the option is very simple a free nation, I can’t see that happening so it will not be an option. So instead eAus will remain neutral and we will fight, as we have always fought, there will be no peace, no respite. Any funds you gain from our lands will be spent in battles against our freedom fighters and every month or so we will strike back and burn your homelands.

You cannot keep eAus down and we will never bow down to bullies.

Bane of eIndo, Liberator of eAus, Pyromaniac of Java.