Dear citizens of Ireland and the World - Part 2

Day 577, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kumnaa

So the cat got out of the bag a little earlier than we had hoped.

As most of you are now aware the UK vs. Ireland war was infact a cunning ploy to boost activity in both our nations.

Originally only the top members of government in the UK and Ireland knew these plans but as the launch got closer the officials from our allies and friends were informed. I did not even inform my congress until after the attack had been launched.

I'd like to thank everybody that knew and played along and Nith who agreed to the plan despite knowing there may be backlash.

This has been the most fun the UK has had since French Toast and once the adrenaline dies down I hope the Irish will realise the same thing.

The battle has ended early at the request of the Irish so now everything can go back to normal.

As you were!