Dear brothers from eUSA, eChina need your HELP!

Day 1,038, 21:50 Published in USA China by eChina

As you know, we just launched an attack on Liaoning, one of the most important region in eWorld. We need your help to free our land from Serbs. We have been allies for a long time and will continue to be so. eChina will never need your help more than it does now.

Please move to Ryanggang and join our fights.

You may need a zone 2 ticket. In case you dont have an air ticket, just PM eChina tank fund with a short message "I need tickets" and we will send you two tickets for free.

We have already taken control of some of the hospitals. So you can take advantage of the hospitals and help us defend the hospitals when we were asleep.

With your help, we will drive out the Serbian invaders.

Thank you very much!

eChina country president