Dead Bodies Everywhere

Day 790, 15:16 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Stack'em high boys, lets build a fortress!

Currently there is debate being spurred about hospitals, citizen retention, and America's activity level. I figured I'd weigh in on the matter. 😃

For a long time, old players such as myself and up and comers alike have trumpeted the call to move to our fortress regions. It's a good idea in principle, fortress regions are important, but is it working, does it help retention? We gain hundreds of players a day and every day hundreds of citizens die. America has been a revolving door for many months. I think its time for a change. Many new players are unwilling to move or don't understand the need to move and/or have a strong attachment to their home state. (I myself was reluctant to move when I started) We need to give these people a chance to figure it out before we shout move or die.

Citizen retention is the single most important aspect in growing a successful community in eRepublik.
We can rank up our active citizens through military organization, encourage activity from within political parties, and even encourage newbies to stay the course through mentoring and government aid programs. All of these tactics are good and form a solid foundation for us to build upon as a nation. But these aspects alone are obviously not producing the desired effect. If they were, we would have far more active folks.

The problem is what do we do about the hundreds of players who slip through the cracks, the new citizen who gives up after only a week or a few days of playing?

I believe the current discussion on Q2 hospitals is a start.
I myself have been guilty many times in the past of shouting down the need for more hospitals. Well my friends, I believe its time to try a fresh approach because what we have been doing for damn sure isn't working. While I wouldn't support the placement of Q2's in every state, I feel that strategically placing a few in high RL population states would be a good barometer to see if the plan could help retain some rookies.

Another issue I believe is hurting us is our tax system.
I will likely catch hell for this from military folk and congressmen alike who feel any drop in revenue would be devastating to them or their programs. Coming up on a year ago, the treasury was robbed and Congress initiated the PANEC tax plan as an emergency measure to refill the coffers. Income taxes have been at or above 20% every since. Economic gurus and congress members have kept our import taxes extremely low and allowed our markets to become flooded with foreign competition, all under the old more stuff > gold theory. Then we have the 12% sales tax on the only absolutely essential item, food.

Companies either go under, barely break even, or even sell at a loss to stay afloat. As a result, wages dip lower, taxes stay high and people walk away. Think of it like this. A new player signs up. He looks around a bit and finds a job, making barely over one dollar a day. He has to eat, with his hard earned 80 cents in hand he spends 66 cents on some food. Of course this improves over time, but you can see the dilemma. As a rookie you are thinking wtf is the point of this? He looks at housing, Q1 house 100 bucks, guns, gifts, tix, all look as if they will take weeks to save up for. Skill seven jobs only pay in the 20's and it takes a long long time to gain work skill. Confused and broke, they find the game boring and quit.

I feel ya Hulkster

We have had a solid year of high income taxes, low imports, fortress strategy.
Yet we still hover around 20 thousand people, stuck in limbo, losing as many and sometimes more players than we gain. A couple of days ago I dug into my friends list. On my citizen account I removed 250+ dead citizens, this is the second time I've done this, the first time I found about 200. On my org account, about 75 of nearly one hundred former employees of mine were dead. I would like to see someone like Frost with his enormous friends list dig into his and see how many are dead.

The overall point is this. Its time to take a different approach. Even if these new ideas don't produce the desired results, at least we can say they were attempted.

Lower taxes, reduce foreign competition, build more Hospitals.

Good Luck America