De ce ungurii nu vor accepta pacea nici daca le dam gratis teritoriile?

Day 482, 15:30 Published in Romania Indonesia by diu1so

In media maghiara este un articol cu propunerea facuta de dsalageanu ungurilor:

As I said, after offering Hungary the guarantee that I will retreat from any attacks on occupied regions and it was TURNED DOWN by Morreau (like, gee, Dexter, ok, I won't retreat if you don't want me to, then conquer them by the force of arms if you think it is a better idea), I have no further ideas."
"Maybe this will work, maybe not. Rather not. Nevertheless, I am expecting other fresh ideas. That one with "we will fight and conquer them" is pretty lame. Yeah, so? Maybe you can maybe not, but it is definitely expensive to try. Maybe I'll retreat, maybe I'll secure. Who knows? As Nora said, without an agreement you cannot be sure."

"So, what does an agreement mean? Agreement to do what? I have decided, as Romanian dictator, that the occupied regions will return to Hungary, and that is that. Sooner or later you will attack them and there is a good chance that we would retreat (well, after hurting your budget a little). If you don't want to agree with me even when I am saying "I WANT TO GIVE YOU BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS", then I am really out of fresh ideas."

Articolul se gaseste aici.

Refuzul acesta a pornit un president impeachment.

Dar ce spun ungurii despre aceasta pace, promovata in Ungaria de Quicksilver?

In acest caz, as accepta propunerea presedintelui roman si recomand tuturor sa accepte

Weisz Manfred Huba:
Foarte multi jucatori s-au inregistrat aici doar ca sa se razboiasca cu romanii[...]acum obiectivul nostru este sa ne recuperam teritoriile pe campul de lupta, daca am accepta propunerea aceasta foarte multi useri ar renunta la joc, pentru ca obiectivul lor este sa recucereasca teritoriile pierdute, nu sa le reprimeasca

Acestea sunt principalele curente din Ungaria.

Desigur, mai sunt si "the index babies" care viseaza sa cineze in Bucuresti, pamant maghiar, sa cucereasca toata Romania, etc, etc.
Pe scurt: un scandal in presa maghiara, de nici noi nu am avut vreodata. 🙂
Daca impeachmentul ar trece, ar avea un presedinte ungur de cu o vechime de 1 luna, pe care il cunoastem mai mult prin anunturile de vanzare din media.

Totusi, va recomand sa votam articolul lui Quicksilver, tocmai pentru a ne duce propunerea in prim plan.
Si aici avem si concluzii vazute de dincolo.

To conclude the day's arguments and shouting matches in the comments, chat and everywhere:

Almost the entire Hungarian population and its politicians do not want to accept a peace proposal which yould give back all oroiginal regions without any penalty clauses, and do not even consider it as basis for negotiations - the very reason that thousands came here for, to get back the whole of Hungary. It would not be a demeaning treaty, it would not limit us in any way (except TO in each other's countries).

The country's responsible politicians saw it fit to decide in about 15 minutes, not consulting to anyone either then or ever since, and they do not intend to do so in the future either.

I must admit that I do not understand it at all. Whatever program I saw here from parties and governments, all called for getting back our original regions - and not blocking for allies forever, without much result, but burning a lot of moey and weapons for it, and not helping everyone and his aunt in election-times in ANTI-TO work. I do believe that our future is not to the east, but to the west - after getting back the regions and closing down that war.

So to conclude the matter: our government's actions were not for the best interest of the country - hence the impeachment.


Later edit:
Exista informatii cum ca PEACE-ul ar conditiona sprijinul sau pentru unguri, doar in conditiile in care ei nu accepta pacea.
Pot zice ca ungurii sunt niste marionete de lux in mainile indonezienilor.

De asemenea, in ultima vreme, Ungaria incearca sa se impuna ca lider in aceasta parte a lumii, de data asta notificand Croatia ca nu e bine ca au cumparat un DS Q5 din Romania, ca l-au montat in regiunea vecina cu Ungaria si ca isi mobilizeaza populatia acolo.
Articolul "Ministrului de Interne" ungur se gaseste aici.
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Un articol bun: Pentru incepatori, de la un incepator!