Day 981 - Battle Orders

Day 981, 03:01 Published in Norway Norway by Forsvaret

Do NOT fight against Finland in Nord-Norge.
Do NOT fight against the rebels in Gotaland.

Mobile orders: # #
Mobile troops are any armed citizen who is free to move out of Norway. Moving abroad requires leaving party and work occupation. Congress representatives can not move.
Fight for occupants (Russia) in Trondelag
If you are not already in Trondelag or another region occupied by Russia: Move via Brussels, Belgium to Trondelag, Russia (or any other Russian region) and convert as many tiles as possible for the occupants. We need Trondelag to stay Russian at the moment.
Priority level: HIGH

Civilians/homeland bound troops
Any armed citizen who can't or won't move out of Norway.
Hold your fire until further orders are given.