Day 886 ends up to be a complete disaster for Eden.

Day 887, 03:28 Published in USA USA by Sossu
New article about day 888.

After some successes in defending Croatia and liberating the Chinese province of Jilin, Eden decided to take an enormous risk and challenge Phoenix in to chain of battles whose outcome will define the eWorld for many days to come.
Started during the initial Phoenix offensive against Croatia, Slovenia swapped through Italy and attacked the Polish key region of Rhone Alps to create more pressure on Eden’s end. Eden responded by starting a volley of extremely expensive attacks on important regions, trying to claim some of them by distracting Phoenix with the amount of battles.
Started by China with an attack on Serbian controlled Liaoning six hours after the battle for Rhone Alps begun, the Eden offensive culminated minutes after eRepublik daychange as Croatia stormed over Hungary’s borders, companied by Romania who came from the other side. Minutes after, the offensive was followed by a Russian success in Pomerania, Poland, opening up the way to attack Brandenburg and Berlin. China followed the Croatian/Romanian example and attacked the Hungarian iron colony of Heilongjiang.

With attacks on Liaoning and HLJ, invasion of Hungary and a double-pronged attack on Polish colonies, yesterday was set to be the day when alliances and great nations were destined to be either made or fade. Phoenix emerged as a clear victor of this crucial day 886 as they managed to succeed in their initial objective, fend off Eden attempts to invade their Asian colonies and gained 3 invaluable MPP-stacks for the future.

Eden on the other hand paid a harsh price of previous tactical errors, spent enormous amounts of Gold in to futile attacks, endangered three of their five central powers, watched as the Phoenix warmachine reduced the Polish empire in to dust and wasn’t able to win any battle with strategic importance.

Read about the battles fought on day 886 from my previous article.

The Polish Empire falls, Spain attacks Brazil in a futile attempt to save what’s left.

The strongest nation in the world, Poland, was thrown in to the ultimate test of survival as Slovenia swapped through Italy to attack Rhone Alps. Later during that day, Phoenix decided to raise the stakes even more and after the Russian success in Pomerania, they attacked Berlin and exposed Poland to two simultaneous attacks on their precious resource-rich regions.
Phoenix gained early success as they were able to decimate the initial wall of nearly 1,4 million, but they didn’t push the wall in to underground at any point however. Poland decided to ignore the battle for Berlin and ordered their citizens to gun for RA, and the wall rose back in to City and Rural areas, leaving the outcome of the battle for tanks on the final minutes. The battle was started at European prime time at approximately 20:00 CET, so both Alliance’s armies were able to participate in their full might.
Troops fighting for Poland tanked heavily at 10 minute mark of the battle, raising the wall over 1 million. The battle was in no condition to be resulted after 24 hours of fighting, and intense overtime began, lasting for nearly two hours before the forces of Phoenix were able to overthrow the resistance and take down the 1mil wall facing them. The battle was the biggest battle ever, with both sides making over 10,000,000 damage, setting the total damage of the battle to over 22 million. Both sides used about 15,000 Gold on tanks, and alongside the starting cost of 2,500 Gold, the battle reaches to be by far the most expensive battle ever fought in eRepublik.

The exhausted Poland wasn’t able to hold off the Russian invaders, and Berlin fell prey to them today near the server rollover. Berlin is expected to be returned to Germany before Poland seizes the initiative and reclaims it.
The impact of losing these regions is huge, because Poland regardless of it’s vast size does not possess any natural resources of her own. The seemingly permanent ownership of these regions encouraged many Polish players to work in the land sector, and these thousands of workers are now without a place to work. Poland has medium Iron and Grain, but they offer little comfort to the hundreds, if thousands unemployed. Apart of the unemployment problem, Poland faces other economical problems as well, because a large chunk of Poland’s consumer base and employees are stranded in Slovenia. Prices of products are already rising, Q5-weapon costing 1,6G instead of the global average of 0.9-1G.
The Slovenian company owners, especially in the moving ticket business are thrilled of the thousands of Poles trying to get back home. A moving ticket currently costs 0,8G in Slovenia, and it takes two of them to move back to Poland.

With the loss of all colonies and outer possessions, Poland is back to their original borders, and this is causing internal distress in Poland. The president adios_pl faces impeachment due to the very blunt mistakes he made during his term. Poland deliberately got rid of their regions in Spain, making it vital to remain in Rhone Alps in order to ever reach the United States or Mexico. Also the import tax for weapons is 99%, causing the weapons market to be controlled by domestic companies, who can’t put out enough weapons to the markets when facing such an important battle as Rhone Alps. Yesterday Poland was completely empty from Q5-weapons.

Within minutes from the loss of Rhone Alps, Spain attacked North of Brazil to get a free war with Slovenia, and attacked the newly-Slovenian Rhone Alps. This incredibly stupid move has put Spain in to a very dangerous situation, as attacking Brazil on original territories launched a set of 18 MPP😒. I can only guess why Spain did this and it is exactly what Phoenix was hoping for, baiting Eden to launch deadly MPP-stacks so they can be erased from the map in the future. The “free” part of getting a war with Slovenia by using the friend-of-a-friend rule is also rather questionable, as Spain blew nearly 5,000 Gold by attacking NoB and Rhone Alps. This sum is equivalent to equipping 40 tanks, and with an average of 22,000 damage done with 45 hits, they could’ve done 880,000 damage. Enough to secure Rhone Alps or invade Liaoning.
It seems the Eden HQ does not have any authority over their members, and this kind of behaviour puts the Alliance in to danger and will lead to complete demise sooner than they can guess. Spain and Poland are currently signing a peace agreement which will be followed by a MPP to protect Spain from the impending Brazilian counterattack. NoB is a bottleneck region and Brazil is able to attack directly after the battle ends unless South Africa blocks them, what I dearly hope does not happen for the sake of their own good.

Romania and Croatia proceed in to Hungary, walking in to their own demise.

With the failure in Poland and Liaoning + HLJ secured by Phoenix, the only Eden successes on day 886 occured in Hungary. These victories can hardly be labelled as successes though as the regions captured hold no significant purpose and the tide is turning quickly as the continuation of the offensive is now being fended back. Attacks on Hungary were meant to be damage drains and they would have a different meaning were Eden able to secure Polish colonies and possibly take out one of the two Iron hubs in Asia.
However with the failure of both of these objectives, Croatia and Romania are walking in to a glorious failure as Serbia can’t be blocked for infinity in Asia and Slovenia + Hungary have full MPP😒 against Croatia. Croatia and Romania still have some spare regions to block but this can’t last for long as both nations can be blocked easily. Romania having MPP😒 from Hungary and Bulgaria against them and Croatia from Slovenia and Hungary means that both nations will have a grim future waiting for them. Romania however is gaining success in the diplomatic field as the Bulgarian congress has accepted a peace treaty with a margin of one vote and Romania is expected to accept the gracious offer, limiting the MPP-stacks facing them in the near future.

Croatia is currently trying again to invade Western Transdanubia and it is followed by an attack on Southern Great Plain. Romania is attacking Northern Hungary, and resistance wars have popped up in the occupied regions of Southern Transdanubia and Northern Great Plain.

Day 2 of the attack on Hungary.

Overall day 886 was a glorious day for Phoenix as they now have deadly MPP-sets against 3 of the central powers of Eden. I’m predicting they will take them in to use as soon as on the upcoming week and we shall see the first steps of a Brazilian invasion against Spain, and the entire Balkan subcontinent burning in flames from two conflicts spearheaded by Hungary, targeting to destroy Croatia and Romania.

Wow, this sure was a pessimistic article. On the plus side this war is earning me subscriptions, I'm 119 away from my second Media Mogul medal. Keep 'em coming.