Day 771: War update and Analysis

Day 771, 10:30 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

Fighting in the European Theater continues to rage unabated. Victories for Phoenix: Turkish forces have managed to secure the Aegean Islands from Greece, while Hungary has taken Chisana from Romania. Victories for EDEN: Spain have overrun the French interior and captured Piedmont from Italy. Croatia has overrun the Slovenian border regions and is moving on the remaining territories. Poland has halted the German counterattack and is now renewing its offensive. Romania held the Bulgarian attack off along its border regions. Final activity on the European Front is the Pakistani attempt at bringing either Serbia or Hungary over to India via region swap. This effort was halted by a Romanian triggered resistance war in Marmara province that prevented retreating. On the Asian Front, Indonesia has retreated Karnataka to the United States without resistance, focusing instead on taking Malaysia over. Indonesian forces successfully tanked the province of Sarawak and will most likely resume their offensive after a pause.


A little graphical representation to help you

Central European Front

With Indonesia declining to resist the United States in Karnataka, Allied focus now turns towards the nation of Slovenia. Slovenia has been launching distraction battle against Croatia for some time now, and the Croats are now intent on ending the existence of this tiny Phoenix country permanently for it. The importance of Slovenia to Phoenix is in fact inverse to its relatively small size. The country has been effective in keeping Croatia from focusing its full strength towards EDEN’s campaign. It also is useful in keeping Croatia from intervening in Hungary’s invasion of Romania by launching initiative blocking attacks. For this reason, the Hungarians are being ordered to defend the last regions of Slovenia, while the United States is rallying its forces to aid Croatia in putting Slovenia in the grave once and for all. If EDEN is victorious in Slovenia, Hungary may be forced to abandon its invasion of Romania in the face of initiative locking attacks from Croatia who will also become free of further distraction battles. Of course, Slovenia is not the only Phoenix nation facing Annihilation today. Germany is under heavy attack from Sweden and Poland. Both countries had been paused along their respective lines of advance for some time now while EDEN was fighting critical battles elsewhere. With Phoenix now committed heavily in other sectors, they have resumed their attack and are unlikely to stop this time.

Western European Front

In Western Europe, Spain successfully overran the Loire Valley of France and Piedmont region of Italy. Despite intense French efforts at mounting a counteroffensive, they have been unable to drive the Spanish back. Spanish forces are now assaulting the final French fortress; the capital City of Paris. Should Paris fall, the war will effectively be over for France. It is their last Q5 hospital region and a major center of industry. Italy can no longer provide assistance in halting the Spanish attacks, as the loss of Piedmont gives Spain an unencumbered initiative blocking position. Completely wiping out France will be somewhat of a challenge for Spain though, as the United Kingdom is lurking to the North waiting to put an initiative blocking attack on the Spanish the moment an English channel region is taken. Spain could theoretically attack the United Kingdom to prevent this from occurring, but that would mean triggering the UK’s MPP’s. Since France has been unable to do much even with a Hospital and their industry center, they are less likely to accomplish anything without Paris. Spain will most likely halt its offensive once Paris is taken and attempt to force the French to surrender without further incident.

Aegean Front

In the Aegean, Turkish forces has secured the Aegean Islands region from Greece and are now moving to capture Crete. The loss of the Aegean will be problematic for EDEN, as this region now allows Turkey permanently initiative lock the Greeks. Greece is attempting to counter this by starting a resistance war in the Aegean Islands while holding the line in Crete. If successful, it will flip initiative back to the Greeks if they can time everything correctly. With the bulk of Phoenix now committed to fighting Romania and Croatia/USA, the Greeks should be able to manage the Turks on their own. The final point of note in this particular sector is the movement of Pakistan through Turkey and Iran. It is widely believed that this is an effort to bring Serbia down to India. With the Serbs being a growing nation, India’s High Resource regions would prove invaluable to Phoenix in Serbian hands. Of course, this would require Serbia going 1 v 1 against the United States, so the plan may be to bring Hungary first and swap Serbia later. For that particular swap to work, Hungary and Bulgaria must link up inside Romania. Naturally, the Romanians are not in the mood to simply let this happen easily. The actual swap itself could take days if EDEN is able to land resistance wars down the chain of Pakistani regions back to India.


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Indonesia has been nothing but a disappointment to the United States since the campaign in Asia began. Many in the US still have fond memories of America and Indonesia’s epic clash in the Battle of Second California. Indonesia blew its national treasury and tanked one of the largest battles of the North American War successfully. When the US entered Asia for the first, it was largely expected Indonesia would put up similar resistance. This was not the case however, and Indonesia was routed out of China. When the US at last attacked Karnataka, many assumed that at last the US would get its long awaited grudge match with Indonesia.

Instead Indonesia did not even wait for the battle to run its full course, retreating the second Asian pillar and deliberately permitting a US occupation of the territory. In exchange for giving up Karnataka, Indonesia tanked the wall in Sarawak, driving the Malaysians back in defeat. Indonesia’s actions are perplexing; why would they give up their most valuable region without resistance? The answer may boil down to Indonesia’s belief that they can get it back. Thailand is presently being PTO’d by Indonesia, and the Indonesians may be banking on gaining easy access back to India at a later date. Conversely, Phoenix may have decided that Karnataka should go to Serbia instead, and letting the United States take it over will save the alliance the Gold and trouble involved in arranging a region swap between Indonesia and Serbia themselves. But again, this assumes Serbia can take Karnataka from the United States.


And to stop the questions. India has a contract with Indonesia that prevents them from retaking Karnataka for awhile. This is why the US is moving to babysit the territory.


While EDEN remains firmly on the offensive for the most part, Phoenix has been successful in pushing back in key sectors. The Turkish offensive on Greece could become seriously problematic should Turkey move against Central Greece, one of EDEN’s High Iron regions. Turkey could have struck this region first instead of Crete, and the reason they did not could be a desire to avoid what their two clickers could perceive as a critical battle. The major focus for both sides now is Slovenia. Hungary will want to keep Croatia from being effective in the war, and losing Slovenia will mean losing a powerful tool. For the United States, the war has been going spectacularly well. Iran has been eliminated from East Asia and two of the three pillars have now been taken from Phoenix control. With the fighting in Asia currently paused, the US will most likely start focusing more efforts in the European Theater to try and stabilize the other EDEN Allies in anticipation of the strike on Heilongjiang, which is presently walled off by North Korea and will take at least 24 hours to reach as consequence. I should note to the wise; when we do strike North Korean held Jilin, don't forget the resistance war to stop the North Koreans from retreating the region and allowing Hungary to attack back again while we are not paying attention.


Scratch the above part. Admins have fixed the borders in China. Inner Mongolia now borders Heilongjiang.