Day 651, 16:36 Published in USA USA by Emerick
Confederate States of America,

Well, we lost California. To be honest with you, I wasn't certain that we'd win it, so I'm not entirely disappointed, though I sure would have liked to have won it. But before we start throwing things, let's look at the numbers:

I'll reference>Bogdan_L's article. Here's the graph he put up:

According to his information, the US and our allies took 2,968,820 damage from the wall, and Indonesia put up 3,048,379 on it. That's amazing. In comparison, the allies put up 1,742,620 damage defending, and Peace did 1,964,644 damage to the wall in the original battle of California(>source).

For those of you who aren't mathematically inclined, that's a difference of 79,559 damage. Now, that's just to level the wall. To win, we would have had to do an extra 400,000 damage to the wall.

Now, most of the damage put up on the Indonesian side of the wall was done with tanking. From 22:00 through 2:00, Indonesia tanked the wall up to 202,482, from about 100,000(300,000 under par). That's expensive as hell. Throughout the day, the battle hero on Indonesia changed from one 30,000+ tank to another. This, plus donation lists suggest that they spent at least 10,000 gold on the battle. And that's just tanking. Other countries moving their elite squads to Indonesia to fight in our battle. Seriously, everyone put all their focus on California. It makes me feel...special :3

I'm not saying that Peace is obsessed with us, but they threw everything they had at our battle in California, while they lost Catalonia, Slavonia, Aegean Islands, Ontario, and finally, Asturias. The big wins were Asturias and Ontario. Ontario is Canada's capital of business, and with it back, they'll make more revenue and be well on their way to a full recovery. Asturias is Spain's iron region, and I'm surprised that Peace didn't hold it down as hard as they should have. Apparently, Hollywood is more important to them than an iron region for France. Who knew.

So Peace, why so tsundre?

Other things
There was massive lag at the end of the battle for those of you who weren't here. We tried, but couldn't fight as much as we could. It might have been a closer battle otherwise.

For those of you who over fought yesterday, and can't use hospitals because you have less than 40 wellness, fill out>this form to receive ten gifts.

A big thank you to everyone who donated to our war fund. We all thank you very much for your patronage, and we'll be using it to win future battles.>Why can't you live without the attention?