Day 53: Resistance Wars Take The Spotlight

Day 653, 18:22 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Re released due to people misreading the old one

You know its been a slow day when resistance wars are all we have to report on. Ever since the Indonesian victory in California we haven't seen much of any real battles. The main reason for the slowdown is that both sides have taken advantage of game mechanics to block each other from attacking an ally. This is a very fragile peace and it could easily be broken if a country like Iran decides to fork over the gold and declare war with Canada. If Iran were to attack Canada it would keep Canada from blocking Russia and Hungary and prevent F/E countries from blocking PEACE in North America. The only downside for Iran is that if they were to do this they would activate Canadian MPPs and put their regions in Canada at risk.

The U.S. has been blocked by Indonesia the past few days which has kept them from taking back Russian held region however it appears the U.S. will be getting back some regions through resistance wars despite being blocked by Indonesia. Earlier today resistance wars were started by PEACE in both Ohio and Michigan, this is most likely an attempt by Russia to create a buffer zone between them and Canada to keep Canada from blocking them. Wyoming and Utah are also being Rwed Spain has also liberated the Balearic Islands and has since started a resistance war in the region of Galicia which borders several regions on the east coast.

Once again its been a slow day, I'll let you know when things start to heat back up.