Day 482: new SG, SC and some updates

Day 482, 10:03 Published in Sweden USA by Atlantis Central Treasury

Dear citizens of the ATLANTIS memberstate’s.

As written in the previous ATLANTIS update in this newspaper, both Meiko, our SG and Diarmuid, our SC, have decided that after months of hard work for the alliance to step down. Both of them have done great work for ATLANTIS and made us what we are today. A strong alliance, based on friendship and respect toward each other.

With their departure ATLANTIS was in need a of a new SG and SC. I gave myself up for the job of Secretary General and Hassan Pesaran for the job of Supreme Commander. 3 days ago I heard the news that I was elected as the new Secretary General of ATLANTIS and Hassan as the new Supreme Commander.

What do I hope I achieve during my term as SG? First my main agenda point is to bring ATLANTIS closer to the public. We are currently discussing the possibility of setting up a public forum where the citizens of ATLANTIS can meet and chat. I learned that there is allot of bias concerning other countries, even towards allies. If we can unite our citizens, we will become stronger as an alliance as well. This forum will then be used to post polls asking the public about certain changes they want to see in the alliance. These polls are not binding but will nevertheless be taken in consideration and carefully analysed. The forum itself will be strictly moderated, spammers and PEACE propaganda will not be allowed.
I’m currently looking into more ways to bring ATLANTIS closer to the public but those need to be discussed in the board first, there is definitely more to come concerning this matter.


Seeing as we want to bring each other closer together, I have set up AES. AES stands for ATLANTIS Economic Service. This is a forum, similar to AIS (ATLANTIS intel service), where the ministers of trade can discuss trade agreements, give quick aid to countries with empty markets (ea guns market in countries who are at war), discuss trade embargo’s and set up a free market between the memberstates.

Fines, internal problems and dealing with them.

here have recently been some internal problem with e-USA breaking the contract by not warning us 48 hours before the Mexico attack. This made them obligated to pay a 100G fine to each of the memberstate’s, as is written in the ATLANTIS charter. Fortunately most countries refused the 100G or paid them back. To prevent such matter in the future I will be letting each of the presidents sign the treaty (as representative of their country) so we can prevent “unfortunate events” as the USA-Mexico situation in the future. We will also become more strict in letting our members follow the rules.

Elite squad

Hassan in currently in the process of forming a ATLANTIS mobile corps. This will be a squad of our finest soldiers from all over e-world. They will be constantly equipped with the best gear available and should be able to respond to situations within ours. These will become the spearhead of our alliance. More about this will be released soon.

These are only a few of the things I hope to implant/realise during my therm. More will come, but I am not at liberty to discuss them at this point. I am looking forward working as SG in ATLANTIS and hope to keep up the high standards my predecessors have always kept.

And don't forget, dear citizens of ATLANTIS, the core of ATLANTIS are not the presidents, not the MoFa’s and not the MoD's, the real ATLANTIS is the public, the soldiers, the spy's and ppl keeping their believes in ATLANTIS regardless the PEACE propaganda. You people. You are the real ATLANTIS!

To finish my report I want to give you this secret tape-recording taken at the Indo-Romanian war. As can be seen, the Indo’s used some very dirty tricks on our boys. We will not allow that to happen again.

Enlist in the military now and give 'em hell!

