Day 4: PEACE Holds Nova Scotia, Launches Attacks Into Alaska And Newfoundland

Day 604, 10:04 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

PEACE suffered their first set back of the war yesterday when they lost in Alaska and were blocked from expanding further into Canada by the American attack on Nova Scotia. For awhile the invasion of Nova Scotia showed a glimmer of hope but with about 30 minutes left Indonesia tanks showed up and kept the wall from falling below 40k and had it finish at 78,073+ K. While PEACE did the war it can be seen as a victory for the U.S. in that we didn't lose anything and we held back the PEACE advance for a day, the only downside is that we won't have a completely fresh army to fight with in the two other battles today.

Russia launched a second assault into Alaska today this morning losing the first battle yesterday. The attack was quickly repelled and the wall was built up to 70k where it hovered for awhile before drooping more recently to its current state.. It appears as if Russia will keep trying to attack Alaska until they succeed as they don't lose too much gold in starting the battle and they are able to open up another front for the U.S. to fight on without having to risk any regions themselves. The U.S. could block Russia for one day if they were to launch an attack on Far East region however this would activate even more Russian MPPs and would be difficult to defend.

On the Canadian front France invaded Newfoundland and Labrador in what appears to be at attempt to keep the U.S. and Canadian forces to split among two different regions. This invasion comes as no surprise and it is a key region as it borders two very important regions in Canada. One being Nunavut which is a high diamond region to the north the region may be sparsley populated but it would take out a few Canadian diamond companies and allow France to sneak past the Canadian stronghold of Ontario. The other region is Quebec, a good sized region with over 500 citizens. It also has high wood as well as a Q4 hospital and a Q5 defense system. This would be a tough region to take as Canada can't afford to lose this region, not only because of its population and infrastructure, but because it borders Ontario. While losing Quebec would be bad losing Ontario would be devastating, Ontario has 2,200 citizens, dual Q5s, and high wood. For Canada to lose Ontario that would be the equivalent of the U.S. losing Florida. The good news is PEACE still needs to take two regions before they can pose a threat to Ontario however with NFL under their control they are one step closer.

As of right now the wall is continuing to fall in NFL and we have lost a large lead in Alaska. The Hungarian armies will only be able to fight in NFL so that may be the reason why that region is falling so fast. The U.S. administration will likely have to make a tough decision tonight, will they have their troops fight in Alaska to make it even more difficult for PEACE to make a run at the wall in the early morning like they are so good at doing or will they divert troops to aid in NFL which looks like it might be in trouble early on.

The current orders are for military personnel to look up their orders on the mil forum for security reasons. I will keep this updated and be sure to stay tuned for more daily updated.

Battle Links

Newfoundland and Labrador-
