Day 26: PEACE Brings The War To Spain, Advances Further Into The U.S.

Day 626, 10:22 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

PEACE made a major victory yesterday when they captured Ontario, the last Canadian region in the largest battle in republic history. This ended France's campaign in North America however today they made the decision to attack Spain, a country that has attempted to block them multiple times during their conquest of Canada. With the French invasion of war will go from being a mere blocking front to a full blown war in western Europe with the French launching their first offensive into Spain in Navarra.

Navarra isn't a very important region in itself however if France wins today they will only be two regions away from being able to attack Spain's high iron and the other Spanish region that has a border with North America. Right now PEACE is afraid to take the regions of Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia since there have been talks of Spain attacking these regions should PEACE gain control of them. This is the reason why Portugal RWed Georgia back to the U.S. after taking Kentucky. Spain only has two regions that border the U.S. and if France were to head west into Spain after taking Navarra they could cut off our border and take out our high iron supply in a matter of days.

PEACE is also keeping up the pressure on the American front after securing Louisiana earlier today and launching attacks into Missouri, Alabama, and Mississippi. The U.S. was able to fend off Russia in Michigan however they may be better off letting Missouri go because if they let Russia take the region it would block Indonesia's expansion into the Midwest and force them to attack the regions that border Spain, however with the French attacks on Spain this wouldn't be as large a deterrent as before. Still due to the borders of American regions we can conclude that if Russia takes Missouri they will only be able to take four more American states due to the border issue, those regions are Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. If Russia takes those four regions they will likely end their military campaign all together and throw their support behind PEACE on other fronts. Portugal will have to face the rough job of cracking the north east and eventually New Jersey while Indonesia will likely take the south and work their way up the east coast now that Spain is almost out of the picture, and then either launch an attack into Florida at the end of have Portugal do it.

Right now things aren't looking good for Spain as PEACE has jumped out to an early lead and many other F/E countries won't be able to send troops since they ordered them to kamikaze in Ontario yesterday. On the other hand the U.S. has done a decent job fending off PEACE despite losing Canada yesterday with Michigan secured earlier today and Mississippi in no mans land. Indonesia holds a slight lead in Alabama however this is much better then the past two days when they would have the wall down 100k in Louisiana and Texas at this time. Missouri's wall is still close to the starting position after about five and a half hours of fighting. I will try and update this throughout the day and put up battle links shortly.