Day 1210 Update Details

Day 1,210, 06:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Litro

Here's a brief explanation of what has been updated, explained to the best of my abilities.

1. Company accounts. There are no company accounts now. Companies now share the same goods and same money - the goods are in your storage and the money is in your pockets. No, you weren't given a few hundred GBP randomly. 😛 You pay your workers and buy stuff out of your own pockets. There is no longer any need to transfer money in-between your 30 companies - it's all in your hands now! A lot more convenient. Also, you can no longer sell things from your company. Go to your storage and sell things from your storage.

2. Storage. You now have a storage building with a limit of 1k storage. Right now, the upper limit does not matter (as far as I know you can store 50k stuff in it and still keep buying stuff). There are 11 blocks for final products and 11 blocks for raw materials. Each block can store an unlimited number of the same product of the same quality - so you can store 1000 Q1 food in your inventory now, and eat them one by one.

3. Selling. VAT works differently. Let me use the weapons market as an example. Previously, people would put their guns on the market for, say, 6 GBP, and the actual price on the market would be 6.3 GBP. Now, if you put your stuff on the market for 6 GBP, the actual price on the market is 6 GBP. However, you only get 5.71 GBP per sale! Watch out before you start making a huge loss.

4. Licenses. There are no company licenses now - each licenses is tied to a user account. This means if you have a 30-company massive conglomerate and you want to sell to France, you only need 1 license (20 gold). In addition, if you had licenses in your companies before the update, you get to re-allocate each one to a new country. Some people are reporting getting 35 licenses for free. You get 1 license for every license in each company you had before.

5. Foreign selling. I'm not exactly sure now, but someone has reported that the import tax was taken -away- from their price set in the home market. I will update on this when I understand it. There seems to be a weird bug here... sometimes items with high prices would be listed in front in the marketplace. I noticed all of those items come from people with foreign citizenship, so foreign selling might still be bugged.

6. Productivity. Health works differently now, so your productivity is slightly lowered if you had high wellness, but it is increased if you had low wellness. Instead of a multiplier, it is now regarded as a final bonus, which is smaller for high wellness. EDIT: Productivity has been fixed. It is now normal.

Some people are reporting problems with putting stuff on the market. Noticeably, orgs cannot do so. It is now also impossible to donate to orgs.

The article will be updated if I discover new changes. Please post a comment if you notice any changes that I did not write about, however large or small it is.