Day 1104 05:30 Update - Swiss Army News

Day 1,104, 02:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Switzerland Armed Forces

No, not that Swiss guard!

Ctrl+Click for the Pre-Application Form in another Tab

Dateline : Sunday November 28 (Day 1104)
Location: Swiss Guard HQ, Vatican City
Reporter: Colonel George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Should conditions change after the initial publication, Col Quigley or myself will edit this same article and change the title to read "Update" with the new time.

Today's available battles: 05:30 hours Update #1
France attacked Lower Saxony and Bremen, Poland France won!

Be sure to check your profile page, a battle may become available without this paper being updated.

The Situation:

Ministry of Defense Civilian Orders for Day 1104

We have an active MPP with the Poland, which means citizens of the Switzerland may elect to participate in battles associated with Poland in addition to their daily strength training in order to be promoted (in military rank).

A Word of Caution:
Before participating in battles please ensure that you have enough currency and bread in your inventory.
Send out appropriate damage levels appropriate to your individual citizen's situation, or else randomly fighting without proper health replenishment may cause lethal results.

Check in IRC channel #eSwiss-Army and #eSwitzerland if you need assistance.
Soldiers and Government officials who have some experience hang out there.
Or contact the Ministry of the Interior-- Help is their business.

You know you're bad ass

When they make a LEGO of you!

The inaugural session of Swiss Army Training has shifted to Phase II with the promotions and discharges noted in the previous edition of this newspaper. We will now move on to expanded communications and coordinated attacks.
One of the Soldier Recruits who has advanced is Dr.Pain, who will now join me in the Training process and will take on the full responsibility of leading the Training Corps for the next session.
Congratulations, Corporal Dr.Pain, you are the example of excellence in uniform.

Join the Swiss Armed Forces!
We are accepting applications for the next session of Training Corps. We will respond within a day or so, quite likely asking to meet for an interview in an IRC PM or secured room.

In case you missed them...
The Five-part series introducing your Swiss National Army::One::Two::Three::Four::Five

"Pre-Application Survey Form"

George Armstrong Custer
Colonel, Swiss National Army -|- Editor, the Swiss Armed Forces News
Captain, US Cavalry -|- Editor, the Cavalry Saber
Crabby, Old Bastard -|- Editor, Custer's Stand

Your Swiss Ministry of Interior can help you! Call them, they're loney as hell!