David900 For NI Congress

Day 487, 14:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by david900

Citizens of Northern Ireland,

My name is David900, and for those of you who don't know me this is the first time I've made the decision to run for congress.

I want to represent the citizens of Northern Ireland in Congress because I believe that:

1. We need to support migration to the region through the Ministry of Migration and Support.
2. To help new players settle in I will give them advice on how to play the game overall (help them sign up to the NHS and so on).
3. I will try to vote on laws and proposals while keeping in mind the views of the public, informing them exactly how I have voted and the consequences of the vote.

Standing for congress for the first time is never easy, but I have the support and backing of the Unity Party. They have put their trust in me and I ask you to do the same.

A vote for David is a vote for an honest candidate, a normal citizen of Northern Ireland. I'll bring your views to congress, and represent you there.

In addition, you can read the national policies that I would support as a congress member here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-unity-post-180319/1

I strongly back these policies, which show that as a party we support reform in a way nobody else does. In a very real sense, we're the only party that have promises to deliver. A vote for David is also a vote for our national manifesto.

Vote David #1 for Northern Ireland