Darkpigeon for Free State Congress!

Day 885, 08:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Darkpigeon

Hello eSouth Africa, Im running for congress for the PPSA in Free State. I guess its only fair that i tell you a little bit about me and my eLife.

Im from the UK in real life, and as such i started off in the UK, things were rough to begin with, I fought all my wellness away, got frustrated and quit. however, i came back and slowly but surely learned the necessary things to survive and have fun in the New World. I think it was about November/December 2009 that i moved here and i was a quiet little 2 clicker for a long while, then a friend pointed me towards the forums, where i now spend most of my spare time lurking around 😃, i was a member of the Royal Air Force in the UK and im now a member of the Pretorian Guard here in SA and i have owned buisnesses in the past, so i would like to think i have atleast some knowlege of the military/economic modules. Im also part of the mentoring programme because i wish to contribute to society, and i dont wish for anyone else to go through the sheer confusion and frustration that can occur at the begining of the game when you dont understand anything 😛

I wish to be a "megaphone" for the average citizen if im elected, So if you have an issue that you feal needs sorting out, then talk to me and i will try my hardest to get you heard (aslong as its a reasonable issue) I feal that this way, we can work together for a brighter eSA. I also wish to try as hard i can to get our country as stable as possible.

So, if you like the look of what you see here, then pleese vote for Darkpigeon for Free State.