Daniel Hawkins for South Carolina!

Day 667, 13:52 Published in USA Canada by Daniel Hawkins

(told you I had something up my sleeve.)


Answering the questions

Hello there all Americans, and in particularly, South Carolinians.

Today I will announce what I’ve been trying to hold back: I’m running for congress in the beautiful state of South Carolina. Myrtle Beach, beautiful weather, beaches, golf…

Oh wait, what was I talking about? Oh yes, the article! I’ll give you a little bit of (boring?) history about me (you can read a little bit about me and the Army in my last article).

When I first started, I was the average Joe just like any other citizen. I wasn’t the most active, and was pretty much a two clicker. However, as time went by, I got more free time in the summer, and became much more involved in the game. One of my main projects since I have become active was improving relations with Canada. I started off as deputy ambassador to Canada under Jaxon Leith, and eventually moved on to become Ambassador to Canada. Over time, I’ve met and knew most of the Canadian cabinet, congressmen, movement leaders, presidents and vice presidents, and military leaders. I’ve worked cooperatively with them to get messages across the border, and they could probably pledge for me if need be.

The other thing I’ve been involved with is the eUSA Army. When I enlisted, it was my first real “job”, you could say, so again, I wasn’t the most active soldier. Over time, the Army became crowded and created the newly mechanized fifth division, a new division at the time. I saw this as an opportunity, and quickly grabbed an officer position in the Army. From there, I recruited a friend, who later went on to become Colonel (leader) of the 5th division, and another platoon-mate, who is actively serving as Major of the 5th division, and I eventually went on to become a Major of the 5th division, although retired now. Read the link at the beginning of the article for more information about me and the Army.

Now that you have a little background on my eLife, I’ll present you with my platform. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me in-game or find me on IRC, and I’ll be more then happy to answer for you.

Foreign Affairs

As former Ambassador to Canada, and having friends involved with ambassadorship, I know how important foreign affairs are. If you think about it, this game is not about yourself, but about your allies. If this war was USA vs. PEACE, we’d be conquered by now. But thankfully, we have our allies. We owe them back for all they’ve done for us. One of my main projects will be further improving relations with our neighbors to the North, as well as making the US closer with EDEN, and and making us appear as a friendly nation to neutral countries.

I would support a diplomatic approach towards AHA and Sol. I believe they aren’t just PEACE puppets, and can actually be valueable assets to us. If we make friends in AHA and in Sol, you can’t have the alliance split between PEACE and F/E, can you? Another main point in foreign affairs would be finding friends in those two alliances and further improving relations.

Lastly, I would attempt to target potential allies in PEACE that are just being bossed around by Hungary and Indonesia, and joined PEACE just for protection. I'd try to find countries that don’t want to be in PEACE, but joined to not be conquered. I would try to find those countries, which are awfully plentiful, and target them as potential allies and appear friendly to try and improve relations between them and Fortis/EDEN.


Every other congressman you hear will probably be in favor of “lowering taxes because our citizens pay too much!” Yeah, of course you want lower taxes, but also, that means less funds for the military, government programs such as MoW and the gifting exchange, and limiting our budget. Without tax money, we couldn’t even have a functioning military. Think of this when a congressman says he’s in favor of lowering taxes. I support keeping our current taxes the same to support various programs.


As a former military officer, I know just how important a successful military is. Funding branches like the Marines, Airborne, Army, Mobile Infantry, and Home Guard is essential to our country's success. I’d be in favor of making the military more public, encouraging enlistment, mass-PMing, and recruiting. Without these brave soldiers of the military, our country would be nowhere. If the military's numbers improve ,that increases the number of soldiers receiving orders and becoming more active. Also, these are our future tanks, congressmen, presidents, marines, and people of tomorrow. I will NEVER vote for any proposals to lower funding for the military, and anyone who does, needs to really think twice.


Just like any other congressman, I am fully in favor of government transparency. In the middle of this long war, the public deserves to be informed and know exactly what’s going on. As your congressman, I will publicly list my voting record, inform the public, and do as best as I can to make the government more transparent and a better and more informed eLife for the average citizen.

Welcoming Committee

For those who don’t know, the Welcoming Committee includes many programs for new players such as the Mentor Program, Meals on Wheels, and the gifting exchange. The Welcoming Committee is funded by the government to aid new players in their first few days by giving them a free gift and food. The Welcoming Committee is important at this point and time, to help new players become the future of eRep. There’s many new players out there that rely on the Welcoming Committee, rely on programs such as MoW to survive, and they require funding of the government. I am, and always will be, in favor of funding the Welcoming Committee and various organizations that help new players develop and receive the instruction they need to become successful.


I won’t be another congressman that will say “I’ll work hard to get a Q5 in our state!” because, quite honestly, South Carolina probably won’t. If another congressman says he’ll get one, trust me on this one: he won’t. Infrastructure should be designed to protect our high raw material regions such as California, Texas, and the like. We can’t have hospitals in all regions because then our population would be very spread out, each state would be fairly easy to conquer, and our high raw material regions would be worth as much as say, regions with no raw materials, and also, Q5 hospitals cost a fair amount of money. It is better to have one or two fortress states, that are valuable states, to hub your population in because it would be almost impossible to conquer a fortress state such as Florida, with over a one million damage wall that PEACE would have to bring down. I would be in favor of placing defense systems in valuable regions as well, to increase the wall that would have to be brought down in a battle.

I advise you to please consider me before you vote, and remember: a vote for Daniel Hawkins is a vote for a better America.

Jacobi for Governor General!