Daniel Hawkins - Answering the Questions

Day 674, 17:54 Published in USA Canada by Daniel Hawkins

My campaign run, like the US, made with pride.

This will be my final election article before the voting begins tomorrow.

Daniel Hawkins for South Carolina! (Platform)

Why vote me?

Hey folks. If you haven't heard, I'm running for congress in South Carolina. Along my campaign run, I've noticed a few questions have popped up that were unanswered in my platform and other article, so I will be addressing them in this article.

Would you support a Q5 duo (Q5 Hospital/Defense System) in California? Why?

This is a very debatable issue, and it's had it's ups and downs. I'll start with my stance: yes. Luckily enough, just yesterday, two days before the big election day, a man by the name of Max McFarland 2 contacted me, trying to promote "yet another" hospital project. Thinking it was just that, another newbie trying to steal money, as I was reading, I realize😛 it definitely wasn't. He's a guy, taking money out of the expense of his own pocket, to help the eUS to build free hospitals and defense systems. Of course, this project would be nothing without the numbers, so I'll put them out there and let you decide.

McFarland Hospitals - 5000+ wood, 782/2000 done for a Q5 Hospital, 20 workers.

McFarland Defense Systems - 6200+ wood, 1190/2000 done for a Q5 Defense System, 21 workers.

America - now this is a project to get behind. We need loyal citizens that take money out of their own pockets to help the eUS, and I can assure you this is not another scam that wants to take your money. This is "the" project for America, and this is how we will rebuild, with the help of loyal citizens, just like yourselves.

Now to the second part of the question: Why California: Simply put, California is one of the most important, if not the most important, region to the US at this time. Not only does it posses high Grain and Oil, it is our main company hub (300 companies), and it blocks Indonesia from an advancement in American territory. Not only that, it posses nearly 1500 citizens, who carry "home state pride", even though not encouraged to.

MAJOR EDIT: Gaius Julius has bought a Q5 Hospital via the awesome Sweden for California. My pledge still stands for a Q5 Defense System in California (McFarland deals), and other then that, I wouldn't plan on buying any more infrastructure except a low-Q hospital or DS at a very low price. That brings me - withen the near future, I would try my very hardest to earn at least a Q1 Hospital or DS for South Carolina, self-paid by me.

Would you support an attack on the UK? Why?

I have seen this popping up a lot lately. The question I'd ask is: what is there to gain from an attack on the UK?

Sure, they backstabbed us, joined PEACE, and was used to help PEACE destroy North America (although failed miserably, to note). But honestly, what do we gain?

I'd like to remind folks "attacking countries for the lulz" is what got us into this war, and nearly the entire continent North America destroyed. Things seem to come back to haunt us, and also a reminder: US offenses don't have a very good track record. Granted, we had victories, but those were meaningful victories. We don't need an offense on the UK, and while it certainly would be nice to "get back" at a backstabbing ally, it's neither essential, we wouldn't gain anything, and it'll again come back to haunt us later when Hungary and Indo become world superpowers again.

Lastly, I would like you to seriously consider hitting "Daniel Hawkins" on that South Carolina big "vote" button, but I wish best of luck to Devan Kronos and all participants running for the job.