Dangerous Inflation

Day 1,242, 17:46 Published in Egypt Egypt by ReconWarHawk

Many of you may have noticed that your pay has increased dramatically as well as a small increase in food prices. If you have not noticed, then I feel sorry for you because inflation has become rampant.

33 EGP was standard pay for a level 12 economy skill less than one month ago. However now a level 8 economy skill will receive in the range of 35 to 40 EGP as standard pay. On its own this would be great news however, if you take into account multiple other factors you see a problem.

Increase in Prices
Here is a comparison of prices from their current level to their level approximately two weeks ago:
1. Q2 Moving Tickets: Previous $20 average, now $50 average
2. Q1 Foo😛 Previous .68 EGP average, now .86 average
3. Q5 Tank: Previous 35 EGP average, now 55 EGP average

These are just a few examples, I happen to know because I got a great return on investment for these items, but the trend reflected across most of the market.

Exchange Rate
Governments can print out money at a max of 200 local currency for 1 EGP. Meaning that the money should be worth, at its least, .005 G per EGP. However the exchange rates have shown an alarming upward trend, or downward depending on how you look at it.

Two weeks ago 150 EGP could buy you roughly 1 Gold. Today we have crossed over the 200 threshold into the 220 range for 1 Gold. This is not a rogue figure but a pretty accurate representation of the value of 1EGP. The market has been flooded by money that eEgyptians didnt need causing the value of our currency to decrease.

The Solution
First do not fret terribly, due to world conflicts and economic boom has been experienced by most of the world followed by a inflationary rise as the war calms. Most countries are experiencing devalued currencies, however if eEgypt can take measures to stabilize its currency we can come out of the World War, and a possible recession, far ahead of the other countries.

I am fairly new to eEconomics, however I spent some time on the eRepublik Wikipedia to get an understanding of basic eEconomics. My solution would be for the government to use gold, obtained from existing balances or donations or even a sort of bond system of borrowing from citizens, to buy up as much EGP as possible and just have it in the bank. This will reduce money in circulation stabilizing the EGP and simultaneously creating a reserve of easily accessible and relatively useful currency to be distributed in case of emergencies.