Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1716)

Day 1,716, 14:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

A man is walking along the beach when he finds a decrepit old lamp lying on the ground. Thinking it might be worth something, he picks it up, rubs the dirt off it, and lo and behold- a genie pops out!

The genie says to him: I will grant you three wishes, but I must warn you that whatever you wish for, every banker in the world will get double of what you were granted.

Nodding, the man says: "Well, I've always needed more money, so how about a million pounds?"

The genie is happy to oblige- and grants the man one million pounds, and every banker two million.

Next, the man says: "I've always fancied a ferrari!"

So the genie gives him a ferrari, and yes, every banker in the world two ferraris.
"Last wish!" Exclaims the genie.

"Ok" says the man: "I've always wanted to donate a kidney..."