Daily Sprattus 2513

Day 2,513, 05:02 Published in Latvia Russia by UncIe

— No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin

Behol😛 Daily Sprattus is a typical emigrant newspaper devoted to describing the astounding and breathtaking events happening in our glorious Latvia and the petty and useless chitchat in the unworthy world around.
In glorious Latvia
Our glorious Motherland retains control over its vast territory, moreover continuing to occupy its colonies in barbaric lands of Belarus to the South. Food bonuses are rich at 80%, while housing production and weaponry remain at 40% and 20%.
Our glorious media remains active with 5 articles having been posted during the last 2 days, all of them being excuses for the 25 comments quest.


In the useless world around
The useless world around remains terribly useless and dull as compared to glorious Motherland. Let's have a look at what happens in the blessed PACIFICA alliance our joyful Latvia belongs to in the wake of the recent presidential elections.
Following a closely contested race our beloved leader casadeli has won just another democratic and peaceful elections, exceeding the runner-up's result by just 100%. Let's celebrate!

Our reporter has contacted casadeli for an interview but failed to ask him the questions we have prepared, as fish have no vocal chords.
Just another country in PACIFICA, the Russian Federation has shown that democracy is yet to come to its snowy grasslands. The ruling elite there meets little competition in the elections, as the results obviously illustrate, and the local opposition considers the ruling regime an iron-hand dictatorship. Poor them! Just look at these results.

What about the USA?

Daily Potato Joke

And How's The Weather Today?

It is rainy.

Ask The Daily Sprattus Experts!

Today we have asked our two key experts on international policy the question which is of key interest to our community: what are the possible geopolitical scenarios for the Baltic region and Eastern Europe as a whole, considering the possible alliance shifts? Let's see what they replied.

Let's thank our experts.

That was all Daily Sprattus for today, we'll write back soon.
Remember there's always more fish in the sea!

Daily Sprattus 2513